Spider-Man: Far From Home

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Science Fiction

It’s time to step up.

Peter Parker and his friends go on a summer trip to Europe. However, they will hardly be able to rest - Peter will have to agree to help Nick Fury uncover the mystery of creatures that cause natural disasters and destruction throughout the continent.





  • maketheSWITCH

    The whole film is a relentless flurry of action and adventure from the get-go, with the man himself sporting no less than four different spider suits (for all the mega fans out there). Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) gets a look-in once again after her very disappointing absence from 99.99% of Endgame, but shes wasted on screen, serving little to no purpose. And while this film finally gives us a Peter/MJ love story, its all too familiar territory - not because of the characters involved but because we saw Peter pursue a crush in Homecoming. We also saw him try to balance the student/hero sides of his life then too. This is THIS Peter Parkers fifth time on the rollercoaster. Weve seen him and fell in love with him as the sweet, innocent kid who...

    June 29, 2019
  • ZHidayaturahman

    Amazing movie!!

    July 2, 2019
  • msbreviews

    If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog :)

    First of all, this is a spoiler-free review of Far From Home, but NOT of Avengers: Endgame! So, if you still didnt watch the latter or heard what happens in it (by some inexplicable reason), this is a SPOILER WARNING for the events of that era-ending film. Moving on to the web-slinger, this sequel is everything it should be and a bit more. It beautifully encapsulates how everyones feeling about the central death of Endgame, especially Peter Parker. I wished Jon Watts would put a lot of focus into Spider-Mans grief and I hoped that a big part of the plot would be him just having to deal with the fact that his mentor/father figure is gone. He cant continue to just be th...

    July 8, 2019
  • Columbusbuck

    Problems: I thought the Gyllenhaal character was corny, Spidey taking selfies too out of character for a selfless hero, and the Fury twist throughout the movie really unnecessary.

    What I liked: Tom Holland continues to be a charming actor.

    July 11, 2019
  • Ruuz

    There's a some things in Spider-Man: Far From Home that I personally didn't love. But I got exactly what I wanted from Mysterio, and that was so important to me. It's pretty amazing that the MCU is twenty three films deep, and they're still bringing out this sort of quality. I know this series is not for everyone. But until they start making movies I don't like, I'm gonna keep showing up.

    Final rating:½ - I really liked it. Would strongly recommend you give it your time.

    July 17, 2019
  • Dark Jedi

    I just came home with the kids from the cinema where we had watched Spider-Man: Far From Home so I thought I would write a few lines while it was still fresh in my mind.

    I have to say that it was a decent enough movie. I didnt exactly regret having forked out the money to watch it in the cinema but thats about it. Its far from a great movie and the end scenewell its a typical really crappy Hollywood ending where the writer cannot be bothered to spend time creating something intelligent so he just goes for the usual sensationalist cliffhanger bullshit.

    As with the previous movie, Spider-Man: Homecoming, this is a Spider-Man for kids, or at least younger people, movie which perhaps is part of why I am somewhat lukewarm towards it. This ...

    July 21, 2019
  • JPV852

    I liked it okay, I guess. Tom Holland was good and shared good chemistry with Zendaya and some of the action was okay, but the so-called plot was rather weak and how it forced into the Iron Man movies fell flat, as did Gyllenhaal post-turn including an awkwardly written exposition scene. Definitely not as good as Homecoming and really reminded me why Marvel proper (mostly) is better at this than Sony-Marvel.

    August 28, 2019
  • dylaneamusic

    Great film!

    September 21, 2019
  • belemo

    Great family movie. Has enough comedy, action, and drama to keep you entertained. Love how the villain played on poor old Spideys naiveness. Underwhelming ending though.

    November 27, 2019
  • Peter89Spencer

    Spider-Man: Far From Home is the first of a new chapter in the MCU. Sad though, because it's all the first one with the late Stan Lee.

    Still, this was not a bad film. And I am glad they showed that twist where Mysterio was the real bad guy (a nod to the mainstream comics) - I would not have enjoyed the film if they had altered the background of the character. And that mid-credit scene - I can't wait for the third film! Maybe they'll finally introduce the Sinister Six, and maybe Matt Murdcock/Daredevil.

    July 28, 2020
  • r96sk

    A good end to Phase Three of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

    In short, I like 'Spider-Man: Far from Home'. I do think it's someway off its predecessor, but I still had a suitably fun time watching this. Tom Holland remains top notch in the main role, with Jake Gyllenhaal, Samuel L. Jackson and Zendaya supporting strongly.

    The story is a solid one, I like the concept of it; especially with Gyllenhaal's character. Some of the special effects do look a little questionable, but only in relation to how great the effects usually are in the MCU. Compared to an 'average' film, they still look good.

    By sheer process of the elimination, it probably is one of my least favourite films from this universe. That's not a negative though, as I very ...

    January 25, 2021
  • DHKarunarathna

    My favourite Movie.movie villain,costume was great. Great and Amazing Movie.Must Watch.

    February 16, 2021
  • DHKarunarathna

    The Best Spider-Man Movie of All time.

    February 18, 2021
  • M.A.DinethHansanaKarunarathna

    This movie is great. It is better than Spider-Man: Homecoming and must watch.

    June 1, 2021
  • GenerationofSwine

    I'll be honest upfront and say that I am still not a fan of MJ. She is supposed to be a redhead, she is supposed to be a sexpot, and she is supposed to both know she's hot and have no issues telling other people that. She's supposed to be well out of Parker's league. This is a bit too far from the source material for me.

    And the same goes with Flash. He's really supposed to be that guy that burns out the moment he graduates from high school. All muscle and no brain. And this Flash has a future. He's not going to deliver your pizza when you go visit your parents.

    But, beyond that, it's still a fun movie, but one that didn't have as many laughs as the first outing. Although Holland still delivers, this has a more somber and serious tone...

    January 12, 2023
  • Geronimo1967

    The "Spider-man" franchise seems to be the one that is bucking the recent, repetitive, trend with the films actually getting better each time. The dynamic between Tom Holland's webbed-wonder and Jake Gyllenhaal's "Peck" in this is great and now that we don't have to pretend we don't know the identity pf "Spidey", we can develop the character much more fully so the relationship with MJ (Marisa Tomei) is also taking better shape too. It's fast-moving, entertaining and the plot is fun. For a change, the CGI is complementary to the production rather than the sole reason for it. Good stuff, this, more please!

    May 29, 2024


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