Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

  • Adventure
  • Action
  • Science Fiction

The saga will end. The story lives forever.

The surviving Resistance faces the First Order once again as the journey of Rey, Finn and Poe Dameron continues. With the power and knowledge of generations behind them, the final battle begins.





  • Vogel

    Well.. this was dull.

    Let me give you a little context to understand better how I felt during this movie. Firstly: I'm NOT a big Star Wars fan. I like the movies and see them as a "good" franchise, but I wouldn't put any of them on my personal top lists.

    I enjoy the art of the franchise way more than the story. I LOVE the music, the design of ships and the visual world building. I like some aspects of the overall story more than others of course, but none really come to mind when I think of what I like about the movies in general.

    That being said, I felt "The Force Awakens" was really boring. Just a generic movie trying to do "the Star Wars things". It was fine but not in any way memorable to me.

    "The Last Jedi" on the other han...

    December 19, 2019
  • tmdb78114298

    Went to the first showing in town tonight. I really enjoyed the film. Although it leaned heavy on nostalgia, it should, since it is wrapping up 40 years. I did not care for The Last Jedi, and was worried going in. Will do a deeper dive after I have seen it a few times.

    December 20, 2019
  • dalboz

    Its hard to write a review for this film without any major spoilers, so this might seem a little vague here and there. There will be very minor spoilers, primarily whats revealed in the opening text crawl or the trailers, so not much, but if you want to go into this film completely virgin, stop here.

    The film starts off with things already underway. A transmission has been sent out that contains the voice of Emperor Palpatine. Kylo Ren, now Supreme Leader of the First Order, goes to seek out Palpatine as a potential threat to his power. In the meantime, the Resistance is still in shambles after the events of The Last Jedi, and they are busy doing scouting missions and regrouping.

    All of this is revealed in the opening crawl of the mov...

    December 20, 2019
  • Luis_989

    When The Force Awakens was released the vast majority of fans liked it. They were practically watching a remake of A New Hope but it was enough for them. Although they never liked Rey. That damn feminist agenda right?

    The Last Jedi took that from them, it got away from the formula and they went crazy. Who was that Rian Johnson and how he dare to change the characters that only they know how they should act?

    They did not give them what they wanted and that annoyed them and it's ironic because many times they have complained about the saga and its direction and if something has become clear to me it's that the great majority only want the same, like in the original trilogy. And what does that mean? Fan service. And that's what Star War...

    December 22, 2019
  • msbreviews

    If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog @

    If you dont know by now, Im a massive Star Wars fan. I love the original trilogy, but the prequels not so much. However, Disneys sequel trilogy has delivered two of my favorite movies of the whole franchise, so its conclusion was obviously one of my most anticipated moments of the year. If that wasnt enough to leave everyone excited, add the fact that it also means the end of the Skywalker Saga, and the pressure suddenly becomes 10x heavier. I went in with moderately high expectations, with not even a glimpse of any trailer or TV spot, just like I did with Avengers: Endgame. The latter surpassed my expectations and delivered a near-perfect c...

    December 23, 2019
  • Wehrmacht

    5 reasons you'll love this movie:

    You can't spoil the plot to anyone who hasn't seen it, because it doesn't HAVE a plot. Sure, stuff happens, and if you blab about it, you'll get asked "Who did what? When? Why?", and you won't be able to answer because you won't know either.

    It validates your blind optimism over everyone else's cool deliberation, because our so-called heroes just blunder their way through every peril imaginable without any logic, strategy or preparedness, yet they come out unscathed for [reasons]. Often using guesswork, or was that "The Force"?

    No need for you to remember any complicated story arcs, bothersome subtle clues or dramatic prophecy drops from throughout the series, because this final m...

    December 28, 2019
  • TheJordanFaulkner

    This movie is really awesome. It took me two viewings to truly cement the way I truly feel about this film. But upon second viewing this film was not just an entertaining blast from start to finish but to be honest a perfect conclusion to the Skywalker story. The film traverses the stories of the previous films in order to bring all those stories together for a culmination that is truly satisfying. The cinematography and visual effects as usual are outstanding in the film but this film seems to have a unique feel that adds to the foreboding tone kept consistent throughout. Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley as Rey and Kylo truly shine in this film and are both giving their a - game and prove that they are both incredible actors and extremely emot...

    December 28, 2019
  • Ruuz

    This is some bullshit. You know it, I know it. Rise of Skywalker is not just a bad movie contained within itself, it's also a very bad sequel to Last Jedi. But that didn't stop me from having a really great time at the cinema with Episode IX. Twice.

    Originally I started writing my review for it by writing two lists, one of all the dumb crap I didn't like, and one of all the dumb crap I did like, but A) it contained a lot of spoilers, and B) there's a lot of lists of the dumb crap in Rise of Skywalker out there already, so all I'll say is just this: The majority of complaints that people are making about Rise of Skywalker are fair and accurate, and whether you are a Star Wars fan or not, there is a very real chance you wil...

    December 30, 2019
  • Bertaut

    I enjoyed it, but I did so with a sizeable asterisk

    I said to Rian, "Jedis don't give up. I mean even if he had a problem he would maybe take a year to try and regroup, but if he made a mistake he would try and right that wrong." So right there we had a fundamental difference, but it's not my story anymore. It's somebody else's story, and Rian needed me to be a certain way to make the ending effective. That's the crux of my problem. Luke would never say that, I'm sorry well in this version. See, I'm talking about the George Lucas Star Wars_. This is the next generation of_ Star Wars_, so I almost had to think of Luke as another character. Maybe he's Jake Skywalker. He's not my Luke Skywalker. But I had to do what Rian wanted ...

    January 7, 2020
  • MatthewL.Brady

    Do it!

    Im surprised they added that in there despite all the memes.


    A long time ago...four years to be distinct; the space opera Star Wars returned to cinemas with The Force Awakens', that brought back the bittersweet experience that fans have been craving for over 30 years. Well lets just say Christmas was magical that year. While I wasnt quite as wowed as everyone else, but I still enjoyed it otherwise and I was interested where the story will go after J.J. Abrams left his mystery box of questions for another director to answer. How exciting and epic the next years will be.

    And then the sequel and two spin-offs happened. Well lets just say my interest for these new movies has completely evaporated. Sad times indeed. And...

    January 27, 2020
  • JPV852

    Had its moments I guess, but the plot made very little sense and the blatant ways of trying to undo what Rian Johnson did, as bad as they were in The Last Jedi, just wreaked of desperation. Do have to chuckle at completely dropping the set up of a Finn/Rose/Rey love triangle, though in that case not such a bad thing.

    The one consistent thing from this mess of a trilogy is Adam Driver, too bad he didn't get the proper material to make the most of it. Beyond him, nothing else really works, even the direction from Abrams felt old, besides, not a big fan of CGI vs CGI battles (like in Transformers), lacks a certain weight and thus suspense.

    Further shame, now that the Skywalker Saga is done, as poorly made as the prequel trilogy was under...

    March 20, 2020
  • screenzealots

    When it comes to Star Wars, being a fan comes first and a film critic comes second. I was four years old when I saw the original, and Ive been a huge devotee of all things in the galaxy for forty plus years. This isnt a review written by a disgruntled fan, as I have grown to love Rey, Poe, and BB-8 almost as much as Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and R2-D2. But when a movie is so careless with its beloved characters both past and present, its something that cant be ignored.

    The Skywalker saga comes to its disappointing end in this (supposedly) final chapter. The recycled story is basic and mostly predictable, as the surviving Resistance rallies together to face the First Order for one final battle. So much is shoved into this movie that it fe...

    March 27, 2020
  • potus_af1

    Bad. Everytime i watched Star Wars, i regret. So much hype.

    May 11, 2020
  • Taduuuuum

    This was painful to watch. Nothing works, it is almost like this movie was directed by someone who doesn't know the rules of this universe. Everybody is now force sensitive and random Jedi masters popping up here and there.

    A complete U turn from all the other movies and the direction they were taking and their logic. Lead by the most useless and lifeless cast ever, with a main character that contradict itself during the whole movie. Family isn't important but let me pick my family name because of my past... This movie finished to bury this franchise for me and I will now stick to The Mandalorian and stories like Rogue One or Solo. What a waste.

    July 19, 2020
  • r96sk

    Whilst still serviceable, 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' disappointed me - it makes for a relatively limp finish to the sequel trilogy.

    The plot is the biggest letdown. It's all over the place, it might have a good amount of action but the actual point of the film is uninteresting and feels like something we've seen before. The cast still do well amongst all that, but I can't say I'll remember a performance from this.

    With that said, Daisy Ridley is the best thing about it. Adam Driver is fine, but his character doesn't interest me much at this point. John Boyega and Oscar Isaac felt underused, while Kelly Marie Tran is discarded almost completely. Richard E. Grant is a slight upgrade on Domhnall Gleeson, but not by much.

    A sho...

    February 6, 2021
  • Murp


    I despise this movie with a passion. I still believed the sequel trilogy to be salvageable up until this point. Unfortunately, it ruined anything good the sequels had going for them.

    The Force Awakens was full of trash to get you to feel nostalgic, but despite that, I thought it wasnt awful. I still wasnt a fan, but all hope was not lost. The Last Jedi was worse. They completely butchered Luke Skywalker. Instead of being the Jedi warrior that ended the tyranny of the empire, he was reduced to a grumpy hermit drinking green titty juice. Pathetic. A whole lot of garbage happened in this one, although I did like Snoke as a villain and I thought he had potential. I had mildly enjoyed the First Order up until this poi...

    May 29, 2024


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