Star Wars: The Force Awakens

  • Adventure
  • Action
  • Science Fiction

Every generation has a story.

Thirty years after defeating the Galactic Empire, Han Solo and his allies face a new threat from the evil Kylo Ren and his army of Stormtroopers.





  • Frank Ochieng

    So where were you when the Science Fiction cinema sensation Star Wars took shape and captured the imagination of the massive global moviegoers escapist expectations back in 1977? Regardless of whether you existed thirty-eight years ago or not, the legend of George Lucas highly-heralded SF blockbuster that shattered box office records worldwide was automatically engrained in your cinematic psyche. Now nearly four decades later, the motion picture phenomenon that took place in a galaxy a long time agofar, far away has come to expand its entertaining promise and prominence even after numerous servings of movie sequels, television specials and other fanfare attributes that promoted the Star Wars agenda throughout the countless years.

    The mod...

    December 20, 2015
  • bodokh

    A very entertaining film filled with immensely fun nostalgic moments and lots of laughs, but this is movie is not perfect, no it is not.

    Spoiler alert!!

    This movie is an exact copy of the 4th one and this frustrates me more than it should. Although new characters and mysteries were introduced, the plot was too similar to the 4th film, but hey, at least they blew up the republic so no more boring bureaucracy! One more thing that bothered me a lot is Kylo ren, not the character, the actor. I mean they couldn't pick an uglier wimp? I mean no offense Adam Driver, but bad guys need to look badass, and once you took of your helmet, you lost all hope of becoming a badass.


    Definitely a movie worth watching despite minor setbacks.

    January 17, 2016
  • John Chard

    Slumber Earthquake.

    There really is no point trying to do an in depth review of this, it falls in line with a number of series blockbusters that are guaranteed to garner rabid responses, pro and con.

    The Force Awakens is a film of many flaws, it has a pungent whiff of safeness about it, the charges of it being a glitzy remake are fair enough, while certain plot strands are frustrating and set to be big talking points for years - and years - to come.

    Yet what about its worth to someone who is not obsessed with every finer detail? Someone who just loves the Star Wars universe as a spectacle prism of entertainment, and has just wanted a Star Wars film worthy of being fit to sit alongside that original trilogy?

    This made me feel 11...

    April 25, 2016
  • Bulletproof5FDP

    The Force Awakens: A New Hope 2.0

    The highly-anticipated follow-up to the Original Trilogy treads through familiar waters, taking the "safe route" approach. Though The Force Awakens has its fair share of phenomenal moments and is definitely an improvement over the Prequel Trilogy, its reliance on using the Original Trilogy (mainly A New Hope) as a template feels nothing more than an imitation of events that occurred prior.

    At the end of Return of the Jedi, the Empire suffered a great loss, with the destruction of the Second Death Star and deaths of The Emperor and Darth Vader. It was implied that Luke, the last surviving Jedi, would restart a New Jedi Order (based on Expanded Universe media, which has been declared non-canon by Di...

    March 23, 2017
  • msbreviews

    If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog @

    Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) was just released, but my time didn't yet allow me to watch it. However, I do have time to review the film that started this new trilogy: The Force Awakens. At the time, it was my most anticipated movie of the year and I placed it second on the list of my favorite films of 2015 (just a bit below Mad Max: Fury Road).

    So, yes, I do love this movie and it is definitely on the top3 of the saga! The cast choices are the undoubtful proof of the huge success that this film achieved. Daisy Ridley (Rey) is a massive discovery, her talent is limitless and she embraces her role like no other. She delive...

    December 17, 2019
  • Ruuz

    The following is a review that I originally wrote in 2015.

    Was it perfect? No.

    Was it basically a shot for shot retread of A New Hope? Yeah.

    Did it under-develop characters and plots of almost everything interesting to near Boba Fett-ian levels? Sure.

    Did the entire thing rely on about 47 ridiculously implausible complete coincidences that the story would have fallen apart without? Sounds accurate.

    But after more than three decades, is Star Wars finally back? Damn right.

    Apart from my just plain enjoying it, The Force Awakens makes me excited for the future of the franchise the first time in.. Well ever really. I liked the blend of new and old material, but I hope that moving forward, the series relies more on ...

    December 30, 2019
  • r96sk

    An enjoyable beginning to the sequel trilogy!

    'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' entertained me. It felt like a fresh direction for the overall franchise, which I guess is little surprise given George Lucas was not a major part of this. I actually didn't notice a great deal of difference, or at least as much as I thought there'd be given his exclusion.

    I enjoyed seeing the new cast merge with the old trio, even if there are only small appearances from two of the latter. Daisy Ridley and John Boyega are excellent additions, both give top performances - I will say I didn't sense major chemistry between the two, but I assume that'll come soon enough. Adam Driver, meanwhile, suits his role nicely.

    Original trio Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher...

    February 4, 2021
  • lstamellos

    A meaningless continuation of a saga that was decidedly concluded in Return of the Jedi. This is a poor attempt at converting something that was created as a mythical epic into a soap opera.

    April 4, 2021


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