Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

  • Adventure
  • Action
  • Science Fiction




  • NeoBrowser

    George Lucas comes full circle in more ways than one in "Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith," which is the sixth -- and allegedly but not necessarily the last -- of the "Star Wars" movies. After "Episode II" got so bogged down in politics that it played like the Republic covered by C-Span, "Episode III" is a return to the classic space opera style that launched the series. Because the story leads up to where the original "Star Wars" began, we get to use the immemorial movie phrase, "This is where we came in."

    That Anakin Skywalker abandoned the Jedi and went over to the dark side is known to all students of "Star Wars." That his twins Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia would redeem the family name is also known. What we discover...

    July 20, 2013
  • PresidentPutin

    Having seen the first movie when it reached France as I was about 10, it left a vivid mark on my imagination, and I kind of treasured the little bit of fantasy it brought to me among probably millions of other people.

    I think the reason why episodes IV to VI became timeless classics is that they were simply fairy tales in sci-fi clothing. You had heroes and princesses actually doing their heroes and princesses things on the screen, but most of the coolest bits happened somewhere in the recesses of your own imagination.

    Struggle of good against evil. Quest for the father. Passage from childhood to adulthood through a series of trials and challenges. All the stuff chivalry stories are made off, presented in a minimalist way that stuck t...

    May 14, 2017
  • Ruuz

    Truly the best of the bad Star Wars movies, Revenge of the Sith doesn't make a whole lot of sense, both when viewed as self-contained, and when seen as a part of the Star Wars whole, but at least Lucas bothered to put a whole movie in here.

    Final rating:½ - Had a lot that appealed to me, didnt quite work as a whole.

    December 30, 2019
  • r96sk

    Still not perfect, but 'Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith' is such a more enjoyable entry in the prequel trilogy - which ends strongly.

    I had a fun time with this. I do have a couple of (relatively minor) complaints, but first the positives. I'd say this is the best that this cast produced during this run of films. Hayden Christensen is excellent in his role, it's the most I've liked him in 'Star Wars' for sure. Ewan McGregor and Natalie Portman give more than solid performances as well.

    The special effects look nice throughout, while the score is pleasant. I also found the pacing to be practically ideal, which is a marked improvement on its predecessors. The humour and dialogue still isn't great, yet is also bettered. Cruci...

    February 3, 2021
  • sykobanana

    I had lost hope in the Prequels when they first came out - disappointing isnt a strong enough word to explain it, but its the best I can do. So I came into this film with low expectations... I knew it wouldnt be great and I knew what it had to do to link up with the original Star Wars.

    And then, this one surprised me (and still does).

    The plot is taut, because it has to be (it has a lot of ground to cover). The universe that was made in Ep 1 has to change dramatically to become Ep 4. And the dialogue is mildly better (but still has its moments).

    The opening action scene wowed at the time (and still does). And some of the duels are excellent - ObiWan vs Grievous was fun and (of course) ObiWan vs Anakin was superb - they had ...

    May 15, 2021
  • msbreviews


    Rewatching before OBI-WAN KENOBI.

    When it comes to film sagas with massive fandoms, you'll find fans of literally all installments. STAR WARS has 11 movies and surely all are someone's #1. That said, REVENGE OF THE SITH proves to be an improvement in pretty much every single aspect compared to the first two prequels.

    The narrative and its character arcs receive a much more interesting treatment - we finally get to witness Anakin's turn to the dark side and the rise of the Galactic Empire. Lightsaber fights are more captivating, visuals still hold up rather well, and even the performances are more convincing - dialogue remains pretty bad, especially within the love relationship between Anak...

    May 27, 2022
  • Geronimo1967

    At last we get some semblance of the original trilogy with this action adventure iteration that is much darker and character-driven. Hayden Christensen's "Anakin" is coming to realise what really will turn him into the ultimate evil "Darth Vader" under the guise of his new mentor "Palpatine" (a magnificently, if theatrical, Ian McDiarmid). It's end to end action; the cast have thrown off their romantic notions from "Attack of the Clones" and we are setting the scene, properly, for "A New Hope" at the same time ridding ourselves of the baggage that weighed down the first two in this triplet. Curiously enough, the effects don't work so well in this, but George Lucas, David Tattersall and John Williams deliver a much, much better fantasy drama...

    June 3, 2024

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