Avengers: Endgame

  • Adventure
  • Science Fiction
  • Action

Avenge the fallen.

After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War, the universe is in ruins due to the efforts of the Mad Titan, Thanos. With the help of remaining allies, the Avengers must assemble once more in order to undo Thanos' actions and restore order to the universe once and for all, no matter what consequences may be in store.





  • garethmb

    The epic Marvel Saga that started over ten years ago has been building up to the inevitable clash with the powerful tyrant Thanos (Josh Brolin). Last years Avengers: Infinity War set the stage for the highly-anticipated conclusion; Avengers: End Game and at long last it has arrived.

    Picking up shortly after the events of the last film, the Avengers must deal with the aftermath of what Thanos has done. The team is naturally divided between wanting revenge, wanting to set things right, and just wanting to take what they have and go on.

    As time passes and they struggle to accept the reality of their situation; an unexpected individual returns and with them comes the seeds of a new plan to make things right. Naturally Tony Stark (Robert...

    April 23, 2019
  • Ruuz

    Hey, so, just some really quick thoughts I wanna get down, 'cause it's after 1 o'clock in the morning, and I wanna get some sleep so I can wake up well rested to see Endgame again.

    Putting it out there right from the get-go, Avengers: Endgame is my favourite MCU movie. It's my favourite movie of the year too, but I've only seen like ten or so 2019 releases, and this is the 22nd Marvel Cinematic Universe film, so that seems far and away the bigger deal. I can't say it's perfect, there's some conflicting stuff within its own runtime that really doesn't seem to gel (though a re-watch may prove me wrong on that), and it's not like every moment was the no-holds-barred-zero-exception best version of that moment from start to end. But God I...

    April 24, 2019
  • msbreviews

    If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog :)

    Don't worry. This is going to be a pretty vague review. Right now, as I'm writing this sentence, I'm still processing what I saw and how am I going to explain how I felt without spoiling a single tiny thing. First of all, it's such a mix of feelings. On one hand, I'm extremely happy that I was lucky to be alive during this epic time and that I was able to follow these characters that I love and care about so much. On the other hand, I'm obviously sad that it finally reached the end of this (hopefully) first incredible saga. There are no perfect films and one with so many heroes will always have struggles balancing it all (Infinity War already had this issue).


    April 26, 2019
  • heroman

    okay so if your like me you questioned this movie due to the fact that i personally thought nothing could beat infinity war well after seeing it i can honestly say we have a new champion this was absolutley excelent so hilarious action packed the 3 hrs passes extremily fast my only thing is the use of god.... bothered me and i suggest if your offended by that wait till dvd so you can mute the parts also a reminder to parents 'no matter how bad you want to see the movie dont do like people in my theater did and bring your 3 year old 'but besides that awesome movie

    April 28, 2019
  • courtlynn

    We waited till day 5 of release in theaters. There was a slow start to the movie so i don't recommend taking little ones under the age of 10. After all the anticipation and hype,Avengers Endgame did not disappoint. Waa a perfect "ending' to the series. Very well done

    May 2, 2019
  • Dark Jedi

    These kind of movies are among the few movies that I can be bothered to go to an actual theater to watch nowadays. For most movies I just wait until they come out on disk (preferably Ultra HD Blu-ray if its available) and watch them on my home theater rig. So this weekend me and the kids went to the theater to watch Avengers: Endgame.

    I have to say that it was better, even much better, than I feared. I really feared that the SJW retards at Marvel would take this opportunity to completely re-organize the Marvel universe to their liking. Like how they completely ruined both professor Xavier and Wolverine in that abysmal Logan movie. Luckily, this did not really happen. Maybe the financial reality of their failing SJW comics and Disney doin...

    May 12, 2019
  • swapnake


    May 21, 2019
  • Wuchak

    How can they possibly save half of all living beings in the Universe?

    How are the surviving Avengers & Co. possibly going to save half of the Universe that died? My wife & I had this discussion before viewing. It basically comes down to two options (assuming the events in "Infinity War" werent just a dream): magic or time travel. All Ill say is: What they came up with was in ways reminiscent of the plot convolutions of "Back to the Future II" (1989).

    Endgame (2019) begins strong with the devastating reality of half of all living beings in the Universe suddenly vanishing. It starts to get lethargic about an hour in, but perks up with the three teams trying to apprehend the Infinity Stones so they can maybe reverse what happened a...

    July 5, 2019
  • ShawnSmith

    The amazing fight scenes and CGI arent enough to mask the fact that the overall plot of going back in time to change reality is just plain stupid and lazy - and this is addressed to the writers. I did know that there was gonna be some time travel involved, but the way Marvel explained and executed it didn't too well for me. They can't get away with just putting it all in "Quantum.

    November 6, 2019
  • LoganWright1

    Sure the final fight with Thanos is more than epic, but I expected more than that. I wanted substance and a plot that didn't rely on "quantum" for all the questions and explanations.

    November 7, 2019
  • BradleyStewart

    Sadly, I didn't enjoy this one as much as I did with the first "Avengers" movies.

    November 7, 2019
  • JaneHall

    Honestly, it felt like it was too much of a set-up for me. Having Antman isolated in the Quantum realm was just too convenient and it felt like Marvel was just looking for a foundation for the script they had for this movie that wasn't even as good as the previous ones.

    November 7, 2019
  • JessieCollins

    Needed more Dr. Strange action! Felt like the final fight scene with Thanos could've been choreographed a lot better especially when you have a magic caster who could dish out different spells like Dr. Strange. But alas, he was instead given the duty of holding off the impending doom from crashing down on his team.

    November 8, 2019
  • 1JohnSmith1

    Not a big fan of the ending. But I guess when you have only 0.000000000001% chance of winning you can't expect it to be the best ending there is.

    November 8, 2019
  • gwengww

    First of all, good popcorn movie, if you are hardcore fan of marvel or visual effect in general, this is a movie for you.

    However, it is clear that imagination of Marvel studio keeps deteriorating. The process and ending is clear about 10% into the movie. Zero development of character. Amateur plot twist. All cliche and low class humor. It is 21st century and they still cling on adult fairy tale and plain visual stimulation. The whole purpose is to let fans know what happens to the character. Good business investment but great shame to the art of movie industry. It is a blatant exploitation of grandpa IP with zero innovation.

    Hero fantasy lived in half a century ago. Time to learn from modern Japanese manga and anime (I am not talki...

    November 30, 2019
  • ShawnSmith

    The amazing fight scenes and CGI arent enough to mask the fact that the overall plot of going back in time to change reality is just plain stupid and lazy - and this is addressed to the writers. I did know that there was gonna be some time travel involved, but the way Marvel explained and executed it didn't too well for me. They can't get away with just putting it all in "Quantum.

    December 23, 2019
  • 1RobertJohnson1

    Great ending but I still can't get over the fact that the writers had to kill my all-time favorite Avenger, Iron Man. Still, it was a sacrifice that must be taken for the greater good. I love the movie!

    December 23, 2019
  • MichaelWilliams

    I kind of expected Tony Stark to be the one to take the fall but what caught me off guard was Cap's decision to return to his original timeline. Man, I can take losing one main Avenger but two? It was just heartbreaking.

    December 23, 2019
  • WilliamJones

    That final fight with Thanos was epic! Great idea by the writers to have everybody be teleported back when Cap needed them the most. Officially the greatest superhero movie of all time!

    December 23, 2019
  • DavidBrown1

    With all the hype surrounding this film before its release, it was hard not to have high expectations once it finally went out.I myself am one of those people. Fortunately, it did pretty well and didn't disappoint. To me, it would've been better if all their time traveling somehow created ripple effects in the present to make it more realistic but I guess you can only fit so much content in a film.

    December 24, 2019


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