The Dark Knight

  • Drama
  • Action
  • Crime
  • Thriller

Welcome to a world without rules.

Batman raises the stakes in his war on crime. With the help of Lt. Jim Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent, Batman sets out to dismantle the remaining criminal organizations that plague the streets. The partnership proves to be effective, but they soon find themselves prey to a reign of chaos unleashed by a rising criminal mastermind known to the terrified citizens of Gotham as the Joker.





  • tricksy

    Excellent movie. Best of the trilogy. Lovely music. Nolan is a genius. So is Heath Ledger.

    June 9, 2015
  • talisencrw

    This has no competition. It is the very finest comic-book character movie ever made. Knowing the Burton, Donner and Nolan filmic adaptations of Batman and Superman exist helps me to sleep at night. They are Exhibit A of 'How to Make a Comic-Book Movie'. Nothing else has ever come even remotely close. These seven films (I include 'Superman II' because it was mostly Donner's work)--and Nolan's trilogy especially--are what I imagine a great director like Kubrick, Hitchcock or Kurosawa would have come up with, if they had ever been asked to make a Superman or Batman movie. They are the easiest for an audience to identify with because in these the scripts most approximate human emotions and the typical conundrums of the human experience--in shor...

    May 25, 2016
  • erickprieto

    Perhaps the best Batman movie of all times. I think that this Batman trilogy presents the well-known superhero history in an unexpected way with the capable to maintain on the edge of the chair all time. Heath Ledger present an excellent impersonification of a psychopath. All support roles are magnificent. And Bruce Wayne role played by Christian Bale, shows a human being behind of the mask.

    November 6, 2018
  • moubledian

    I used to leave a theatre after seeing a highly anticipated movie, specifically a sequel, and be so revved up about what I saw that I would declare that movie to be the best of a series. After each of the prequel "Star Wars" films, I rated that one the best, as good as any of the originals...for a time, until my opinion balanced out and I had a more well-rounded take. For that reason, I steer away from that mindset, and did for "Dark Knight".

    Though my opinion is solidifying already after having seen a Warner Bros. screening last night, "Dark Knight" ably stands on its own with or without "Batman Begins". At a two and a half hour runtime, it's definitely an epic of a movie, but one that never runs out of gas. A delightful addition to thi...

    March 23, 2019
  • tmdb22590444

    One of the best movies of all time. Christopher Nolan has brought us the Batman trilogy that it made it feel it could happen today. Christian Bale returns as Batman, was able to perform as wonderfully as he did in Batman Begins. The one person that ultimately stole the show had to be the late Heath Ledger who played as the Joker. His performance as a psychotic clown terrorizing Gotham City was one of the best performance as a superhero villain. One of the best parts of the Joker was when he was telling his victims on how he got his scars?. Another great part was when he kidnapped a police officer and he was recording it while scaring the man and also giving a warning to Batman. The supporting actor and actresses did a good job of delivering...

    May 3, 2019
  • tmdb79614358

    A Masterpiece!!! I Love how The Dark Knight shows to me the "Dark & Gritty Tone". Overall, Nolan give us the Game changing, best superhero film OF ALL TIME. For me it's 10/10

    November 30, 2020
  • EDSR

    A sickening, borderline fascist film that is simultaneously dull and harmful. The editing represents that of an anti-pirate commercial and the politics are beyond reprehensible. The film ends with a monologue about how violent law-enforcement and brutality is what the country needs, but does not deserve. Nolan clearly did not intend for any subtext, yet that is not an excuse, if anything, that makes it worse. He includes these scenes to make the film more dark and edgy, yet there are people, from suppressed countries, who have to live through the hardships of violence from law-enforcers and dictatorship every day, and in his obliviousness, Nolan thinks that using this in a superhero film is a good excuse for self-importance. He is a war pro...

    September 13, 2021
  • AstroNoud

    Unforgettable crime film with good dialogue, thrilling action and chase scenes and once again a magnificent cast (most notably a terrifically terrifying Ledger) and superb score.


    February 26, 2022
  • Geronimo1967

    Heath Ledger is outstanding in this follow up to the 2006 "Batman Begins" outing for the caped crusader. His portrayal of the malevolent "Joker' is confident and highly entertaining, treading a fine line between supreme intellect and total insanity with considerable aplomb. He comes back to terrorise "Gotham" after "Batman" (Christian Bale), "Gordon" (Gary Oldman) - now Commissioner in charge of the police force, and newly installed District Attorney "Dent" (Aaron Eckhart) had made progress getting the criminals off the street. The "Joker", meantime, decides that the best strategy is to rob the mob - and pitching them all against each other, and with the help of the duplicitous "Lau" (Chin Han) manages to secure enough of their funds to ini...

    July 14, 2022
  • mooney240

    Overall : A cinematic marvel and once-in-a-decade masterpiece.

    This isn't simply a superhero movie or a Christopher Nolan film. The Dark Knight is a masterpiece. A perfect film. An epic scale with magnificent action pieces, oscar-winning performances, incredible writing, excellent pacing, dazzling special effects, and the list goes on and on, including the set design, costumes, and more. But, Christopher Nolan did more than make the greatest superhero movie of all time. He made one of the greatest movies of all time! All this is elevated further by Heath Ledger's once-in-a-lifetime portrayal of the Joker. Ledger was born for this role with a performance in league with Anthony Hopkins' Hannibal Lecter or Val Kilmer's Doc Holliday.

    August 19, 2022
  • drystyx

    Even worse than Tim Burton's Batman, although obviously copying the neo Nazi ideology of "kill all the brunettes you can in a movie". This is so predictable and so poorly written that it boggles the mind. Yet there is a fan base of what can only be described as neo Nazis. I guess those fans were poor cuckolds who got jilted by too many brunettes at a young age, and they couldn't get over it. That's about the entire story here. Oh, the Joker kills anything he sees. Whoopee. And he's invulnerable. And he's a demigod who can only be beaten by another demigod. So, we've got traditional mundane Greek heroes and villains here, just like most Hollywood movies. Unfortunately, the fans of these traditional Hollywood movies are the loudest people...

    April 18, 2023
  • SoSmooth1982

    I enjoyed watching the Dark Knight. They were at least able to keep the same batman from the the last one made too.

    April 25, 2023
  • JN2012

    If I can hold my pee for a whole two and a half hours rewatching a film Ive already seen then I love it.

    October 14, 2023


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