Iron Man

  • Action
  • Science Fiction
  • Adventure

Heroes aren't born. They're built.

After being held captive in an Afghan cave, billionaire engineer Tony Stark creates a unique weaponized suit of armor to fight evil.





  • izgzhen

    Imaginative illustration of an epic story. It combines the modern background society, e.g. terrorism, with the unconventional high-tech fantasy. Our leading actor Robert Downey Jr. deeply embodies the soul of the Iron Man in himself. We common people never lived this way :P

    September 28, 2017
  • Ruuz

    A long form review originally posted in 2010:

    Marking the beginning of the latest Marvel franchise, The Avengers, is Jon Favreau's Iron Man.

    I'm quite fond of Super Hero movies, I don't love them to the same extent that I do the slasher or psychological thriller genres, but they do hold a small place in my heart all to themselves. I'm pretty pumped for this whole "Avengers" thing to come to fruition, 'cause honestly it's all been great so far, starting with Iron Man, whom Robert Downey Jr. (Natural Born Killers, Gothika, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, A Scanner Darkly, Zodiac, Sherlock Holmes, Due Date) portrays, and incredibly so.

    It's important to set yourself a starting point. More specifically, what I mean is, a reason. Batman'...

    June 4, 2018
  • tmdb44006625

    Iron Man did a lot more than just launch the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It was the first comic book movie in a long time to integrate the fantastical nature of superheroes and supervillains into a real world setting with consequences. It also showed how great of a filmmaker Jon Favreau is and rebooted the career of Robert Downey Jr.

    For all this, Iron Man is a fantastic movie, still one of the best MCU films. It's so much fun to watch. Yet it displays a lot of intelligence, exploring the internal dilemma of a man profiteering off war when faced with the harsh reality that he is part of a system that corrupts absolutely.

    March 9, 2019
  • ThePeruvianPost

    When director Jon Favreau and Sarah Halley cast Robert Downey Jr, they glimpsed something magnificent: a more-than-skilled actor who faultlessly portrayed the role of Tony Stark. Despite Favreau's initial decision in choosing a fresh face, he ended up delighted due to his charismatic, natural and comfortable attitude. He did not realise it yet, but he was moulding with the right measures a whole superhero cinematic universe which lasted until today and still goes for more.

    The filmmakers took the proper time to introduce a character whose production was undecided since New Line Pictures argued that the main character [Iron Man] had no potential to be brought up to the theatres. Therefore, planning from scratch a prosperous superhero who ...

    February 17, 2020
  • ThePeruvianPost

    When director Jon Favreau and Sarah Halley cast Robert Downey Jr, they glimpsed something magnificent: a more-than-skilled actor who faultlessly portrayed the role of Tony Stark. Despite Favreau's initial decision in choosing a fresh face, he ended up delighted due to his charismatic, natural and comfortable attitude. He did not realise it yet, but he was moulding with the right measures a whole superhero cinematic universe which lasted until today and still goes for more.

    The filmmakers took the proper time to introduce a character whose production was undecided since New Line Pictures argued that the main character [Iron Man] had no potential to be brought up to the theatres. Therefore, planning from scratch a prosperous superhero who ...

    February 17, 2020
  • r96sk

    My first taste of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A great start!

    I absolutely enjoyed seeing 'Iron Man'. Robert Downey Jr. is terrific as the titular character, who is a blast to watch throughout - love the design! The plot is very entertaining, I like how it tells the story; simply, but very effectively. Terrence Howard, Jeff Bridges and Gwyneth Paltrow, meanwhile, all add to the film with good performances.

    The special effects are very neat, as are all the action sequences. I will say the score isn't the strongest, at least in terms of what I'd expect from this sorta film. I wouldn't say it's bad per se, just not as spectacular as it could've (should've?) been; especially with someone like Ramin Djawadi composing. I love a film with ...

    January 13, 2021
  • FilipeManuelNeto

    An excellent film, which only loses a little in some details related to the writing of the script and the conception of some characters.

    I'm not a fan of superhero movies, but like any movie fan in general, I've seen a good handful of them. This was the first film made by Marvel and financed by the company itself, and it brings us one of its most acclaimed heroes. The film shows how a young playboy millionaire named Tony Stark, with a fortune inherited from his father and largely made from the production and sale of weapons, becomes a vigilante determined not to allow the misuse of the weapons he sells. I don't know much about comics, but I believe that the film was limited to adapting to the cinema a story already written on paper a...

    June 22, 2022
  • mooney240

    Iron Man had all the class, quirks, genius, and fun to birth one of the greatest film franchises in cinematic history.

    The movie that started it all. That created the personality of a multi-billion dollar entertainment behemoth. That introduced the world to the first of many characters that have become household names and cultural icons. Iron Man stormed on the screen with a lead actor that Hollywood had given up on and a small start-up studio without a single movie under its belt backed by Disney, who had little to no live-action comic experience of their own. But director Jon Favreaus adlibbed approach leveraged the strengths of his cast and created a world that was simultaneously realistic and magical - where a man could build a f...

    February 11, 2023
  • SoSmooth1982

    An ok movie. I just wish there was more action. The storyline was great but could have been a lot better with more action.

    July 5, 2023
  • Geronimo1967

    Having inherited his father's skill, "Tony Stark" is supplying just about every bit of military hardware to the US Government. On a trip to Afghanistan, however, his convoy is ambushed and he is seriously injured. He awakens in a cave, held hostage by insurgents, and with the help of co-captive "Yinsen" (Shaun Toub) must use all of his skills to stay alive and to find a way out of his predicament. Cannibalising just about every bit of kit he can find, he concocts a power source to keep him alive and a suit of armour that enables him to fight his way out. Once free, he determines to further hone this flying suit of armour and use it for the common good. His business partner "Vanko" (Jeff Bridges) soon realises there are other, more lucrative...

    June 3, 2024

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