
  • Action
  • Thriller
  • Science Fiction

Hunted by your future, haunted by your past.

In the year 2044, time travel has not yet been invented but in 30 years it will have been. When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will send their target into the past where a looper, a hired gun, like Joe is waiting to mop up. Joe is getting rich and life is good until the day the mob decides to close the loop, sending back Joe's future self for assassination.





  • rookiebeotch

    movie was a little slow and drawn out. action was ok but story was little weak.

    December 28, 2012
  • Dark Jedi

    I am normally fairly hesitant concerning time-travel movies because it is next to impossible to get them right. They more or less always become very unrealistic and full of paradoxes. I would almost go as far as to say that producers making serious (non-comedy) time travel movies are the ones that are scientifically too stupid to realise that it is just going to be a mess, or they do not really care about the issues hoping that the audience also will not care.

    This movie is really proof of this. It is full of paradoxes and annoying but if this happened now then that couldnt have happened then and vice versa. Maybe some people can force themselves overlooking these things but I have some difficulty doing so. I fully agree with the stateme...

    March 24, 2013
  • tanty

    The plot is full of flaws. Quite like a even worse inception.

    August 21, 2013
  • jw

    neither here nor there

    Time travel can be an exciting plot device - if the writers take time to check and get everything right. Unfortunately, with Looper, they did not. Nor did director or producers choose a clear direction what this movie was supposed to be, what its pace and atmosphere should be like. So it turned out to be full of wasted potential. Good ideas, characters, situations, plot elements it all had at some points - but none developed, really.

    That's more disappointing that if it had had no potential. Wasted opportunities... in a loop.

    December 18, 2019
  • cineast78

    Half-baked and weak genre mix with a pale Bruce Willis

    The main character is an anti-hero and isn't able to win the viewer over story emotionally - that would be OK if the story were at least coherent - but it isn't. The time travel logic doesn't work. The telekinesis nonsense seems incredibly pointless. The love story(s) is or are hardly comprehensible. And many plot elements are started without being brought to a meaningful end. Too bad - there was potentials there. So the whole thing is nothing more than a solid ordinary movie, despite all the genres that are (unnecessarily) mixed up in it.

    The only ray of light for me in the movie: The mask and facial expressions by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who manages to give a fun impression of a young Bruce Willis.

    February 9, 2023
  • r96sk

    'Looper' is entertaining!

    I had a fun time with this one. I guess that would come as little surprise given I do like basically everyone onscreen from other flicks, while that is true that isn't the sole reason for my enjoyment. The story is intruiging and is presented nicely by the filmmakers, I found it to be well paced too.

    Joseph Gordon-Levitt gives a strong performance, even with make-up that occasionally makes him look just like Sean Connery's 'disguise' in 1967's '<a href="https://letterboxd.com/film/you-only-live-twice/">You Only Live Twice</a>'. Bruce Willis is solid throughout, as are Emily Blunt and Jeff Daniels. There are a few other noteworthy faces in there too, like Paul Dano and Garret Dillahunt.

    Well made and well worth a watch. Recommended.

    February 16, 2023


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