Terminator 2: Judgment Day

  • Action
  • Thriller
  • Science Fiction




  • zag2me

    Terminator 2 is basically one of the greatest films of all time, its an absolute must watch if you like Science Fiction, Action, or even Comedy films. It could have been so bad, but the film somehow pulls it off with crazy stunts, an amazing cast and a great story.

    The film really tackles the fate of humanity straight on which gets you thinking about our path as a species but also what we can do today to change things. The story takes you on a journey which is one of the most believable time travel movies of all time.

    The action scenes are fantastic, with wall to wall fighting, car chases and military maneuvers that will keep you on the edge of your seat. That's mixed with a great cast and brilliant story telling from the directory. ...

    February 20, 2017
  • Ruuz

    While I am in that minority which believes it is actually the first Terminator movie which is the best of the franchise, don't let that for one minute convince you I don't absolutely love Judgement Day. It's honestly pretty crazy to me how just bonkers good these first two Terminator movies are. Especially when you consider how completely every single sequel managed to miss the mark.

    I like to imagine that in the Good Timeline, where everything isn't Terrible, this movie is exactly the same, but the trailer doesn't spoil the twist about Robert Patrick being a Terminator and Arnie being a good guy. I know that they also spoil the twist about who's a Terminator and who's not and who's a bad guy and who's not in the trailers for the 3...

    March 20, 2020
  • Kamurai

    Great watch, will watch again, and can recommend.

    This is everything the original was turned up one notch. Now Arnold is a caring unfeeling robot, and we missed a whole movie where Sarah Connor went hard into training.

    This has twists, escapes, a liquid terminator, better special and practical effects, some big explosions, active discussion of how to change the future, and some really iconic moments.

    The movie isn't chatty in the traditional sense, once Arnold gets involved, all the dialogue outside the asylum is very much to mechanically move the plot forward. The terminators don't voluntary "chat", they more vomit exposition dialogue.

    While I'll always remember this as a great movie, it isn't without its flaws. Hearing John...

    July 29, 2020
  • GenerationofSwine

    So, it is time to review the last good Terminator movie.

    When T3 came out, I swear that people forgot it was even released... but at least it felt like it belonged in the Terminator franchise.

    When Salvation dropped, it felt like it fit as well, but it was an MCG film, so it also felt like Terminator meets Mickey Mouse.

    And when Terminator Typo was released, it kind of did it's best to completely alienate all the fans that the franchise had developed over the years.

    But this one, well, this one actually was great. The Robert Patrick T-1000 liquid metal thing looked amazing, Patrick acted ominous and frightening, and seemed like a legit threat despite the size difference between he and Arnold.

    And in the process the T-1000 man...

    January 12, 2023
  • BryceSpencer

    Behold what we like to call the Greatest Action Movie Ever Made, and for good reason. For me this sits without a doubt as one of the best movies (and movie sequels) I've ever seen. The action scenes, action set pieces, practical (and visual) effects are truly incredible for their time and still hold up today. Solid 10/10, highly recommend the full 2h 33m extended cut.

    January 29, 2023
  • Geronimo1967

    I'm never really a fan of kids in movies, but Edward Furlong turns in some attitude here with his performance as the ten year old "John Connor". Turns out that he is the target of the the latest "Skynet" plot to destroy the resistance to their impending world domination (in a worryingly close 2029!). They have sent a new, improved, "T1000" (Robert Patrick) back in time to throttle him. Luckily, his future self has had the presence of mind to send one of the original models (Arnold Schwarzenegger) back on protection detail. As the devastation mounts and the bodies pile up, the young man convinces his protector to get his mother out of her secure institution - the authorities weren't convinced about her stories of futuristic "terminator" robo...

    August 30, 2023
  • Narate

    "I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle."

    Just when you think the first one was great, this masterpiece shows up. Everything gets amped up in a good way. I will never forget watching this for the first time and thinking "how does it all look so damn cool?!" The first one is terrfiying where this is just awesome. Cameron's lighting and color grading is so sweet to look at. It's an infinite rewatchable classic.

    January 1, 2025


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