
  • Science Fiction
  • Adventure

It begins.

Paul Atreides, a brilliant and gifted young man born into a great destiny beyond his understanding, must travel to the most dangerous planet in the universe to ensure the future of his family and his people. As malevolent forces explode into conflict over the planet's exclusive supply of the most precious resource in existence-a commodity capable of unlocking humanity's greatest potential-only those who can conquer their fear will survive.





  • Radio1'sMr.Movie!-MadAmi

    FABULOUS . . . . And , Oh , Yes . . . . Hans Zimmer's Score's Already Got "OSCAR" Written On It ; & EXPECT A WHOLE " HOST OF OTHER MAJOR NOMINATIONS - AS WELL "

    This Is A - B I G - Screen - MINI - Review. Picture Viewed Oct. 07, 2021 ; At Vox Cinemas , U . A . E

    Paul Atreides : " Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear, and I will permit it to pass over me. When the fear has gone, there will be nothing. Only I will remain ".

    1. If you're  one of the -Millions- of people around the world who loved Denis Villeneuve's hauntingly riveting ...

    October 10, 2021
  • iamhabenula

    The worst movie I've ever seen. Don't waste your time.

    October 18, 2021
  • Tsavo

    As a child, I remember catching David Lynchs Dune on TV. I was too young to really understand the plot at the time, but I didnt care, all I knew was that the worms were awesome. When I got a little older, I read the book for my first time. It was the first adult book I read on my own, and I was in love with it ever since. I read it many more times growing up, and when the miniseries came out, I watched and recorded it every night, then re-watched it time and time again. When Children of Dune aired, I again devoured it happily. In the case of the Lynch film, as I grew, I of course began to see more and more of the flaws, though I personally hold the Spicediver Edit in quite high esteem. That particular cut of the film manages to make the...
    October 21, 2021
  • tahmid_007

    Great movie with excellent BG music and visual effects. Waiting for part two.

    October 21, 2021
  • msbreviews

    FULL SPOILER-FREE REVIEW @ https://www.msbreviews.com/movie-reviews/dune-spoiler-free-review

    "Dune sets the new standard for epic cinema with eyegamic visuals, powerful sound design and score, and a compelling story told surrounded by an absolutely massive scale.

    Denis Villeneuve adds yet another audiovisual masterpiece to his filmography, despite some narrative-pacing issues due to the heavy exposition and repetitive yet crucial dream sequences. Timothée Chalamet and Rebecca Ferguson stand out in a stellar cast, where everyone delivers performances no short of impressive.

    From the remarkable character work to the constantly captivating interactions, without forgetting the spectacle of the riveting action/war scenes, the extremely ...

    October 22, 2021
  • Mex5150

    I'll open by saying I am not a fan of Villeneuve. In fact, I think he's a hack whose only genuine talent is making stupid people falsely think they are actually quite smart. I am also a HUGE Dune fan. They have been my favourite series of books since I first discovered them as a teenager. So although I hoped for the best with this, I was expecting the worst. What I got was somewhere in the middle. It's an OK movie, not great, thankfully not terrible, but OK

    It got some things right the 1984 Lynch version got wrong, but still somehow managed to get other stuff wrong (including stuff Lynch got right). It was also a surprise how much Villeneuve just lifted directly from the Lynch film, both visually and auditorily.

    The wardrobe choices w...

    October 27, 2021
  • narrator56

    I enjoyed parts of this movie. But I seem to recall that I enjoyed reading the book this is based on (it was decades ago after all). And since I dont remember the details of the source novel, I dont know if it is the screenplay that dragged down my overall opinion or the original book.

    I can sum up pretty quickly the pieces that disappointed me, and be advised they are probably spoilers.

    I didnt like how long it took to get our first glimpse of the spice worms, and even then they were represented as holes in the sand. Not exactly awesome. I didnt like how they quickly killed off all the good guys except for Paul and his mom (okay, yeah that is definitely a spoiler). Plus I thought it weird that during the big battle scene we have awes...

    November 7, 2021
  • badelf

    I read Frank Herbert's book, Dune, when I was in high school and really don't remember it much except that it was great and a little scary. At that age, I probably didn't get the subtext message.

    I never saw any movies of it so I decided to watch both the 1984 Dune by David Lynch and the 2021 Denis Villeneuve version sequentially. I'm going to talk about both of them here.

    This may not be a popular opinion: Lynch's version is brilliant and the Villeneuve Dune is absolute shit. Here's why:

    First, is the Villeneuve Dune slick? Yes, absolutely. I should hope so considering it's nearly 40 years after Lynch did his, for crissake.

    Are the character's in David Lynch's version kitschy and over the top? Yes! That's one reason it'...

    November 15, 2021
  • JPV852

    This newest adaptation of the classic Frank Herbert novel (which I've never read) has the usual amazing visuals director Denis Villeneuve is known for alongside great cinematography from Greig Fraser (Rogue One, upcoming The Batman) plus the incredible and bombastic score by Hans Zimmer has the technical aspects but void of any real emotion behind the story and, especially, characters.

    I couldn't find much wrong with the performances but nobody really wowed me despite having talents like Oscar Isaac, Josh Brolin, Javier Bardem, Jason Momoa and Rebecca Ferguson, I didn't think anybody stood out, and that includes Timothée Chalamet in the lead role. I can't say this was at all bad and have some mild interest in part two, but, and this says...

    January 7, 2022
  • Dark Jedi

    I was really eager to watch this movie and at the same time a wee bit concerned because I knew that I would be hugely disappointed if it turned out to be another movie massacring a classic source material.

    I have to admit that it was a very long time since I read the Dune books but I have to say that the movie was mostly true to the books, as I remember them, and also reasonably free of agenda driven rubbish apart from the odd replacement of some characters with gender correct ones for no real good reason.

    There is really not much point in me saying much about the story. It should be well known for any science fiction fan and it is a great story and really good material for a big screen movie despite some critics at Rotten Tomatoes mo...

    January 30, 2022
  • AstroNoud

    Dunes massive scope tends to overshadow its storyline and characters, but in return we get a great cast and stunning visuals, leaving us hoping the second chapter will be able to live up to the expectations.


    February 26, 2022
  • TitanGusang

    Dune was a massive undertaking due to the sheer amount of lore and political backstory director Villeneuve had to fit in a two-and-a-half-hour run-time, but I am happy to say it was executed brilliantly.

    The story of Dune is incredibly deep, there are so many layers of political factions and relationships that it can get quite confusing at times. I had to constantly be looking up specific individuals and their ties to each other to understand the minor nuances of the story. Despite that fact, Villeneuve is still able to deliver a coherent narrative that will allow the majority of the audience to understand the overarching plot. After the buildup of the first act, the story gets cooking, and I was utterly invested.

    There is an incr...

    July 15, 2022
  • mooney240

    Overall : Dune creates a universe and characters at an epic scale similar to Star Wars. For sci-fi fans, cinema fans, and fans of incredible special effects, Dune is a must-see.

    Probably the most visually stunning movie of the year. I watched it first at home on HBO Max but had to see and hear it again in theaters when I realized this movie required a complete theatrical experience! The cast was top-notch, and the scale that Denis Villeneuve evoked in every scene was breathtaking. From the moment, Dune starts, it demands a sequel through its world-building, acting, and storylines leaving the audience wanting answers (the fact that it literally begins with the words "Part One" helps too). I can't wait to see what comes next!

    August 19, 2022
  • Abdaullah


    February 28, 2024


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