When liberal fascism takes over
Nearing the end of his physical prime, Sean Connery stars as Zed, an "Exterminator," who wants to discover the truth about "Zardoz," a gigantic menacing head and supposed god of earth in the year 2293. Zed stows away and sneaks into the "vortex" where live the ruling class of the planet, essentially futuristic hippies, extremely bored by their immortality.
I was expecting something goofy like "Barbarella" (1968), but Zardoz (1974) is closer to "Logan's Run (1976), yet weirder due to writer/director John Boormans eccentric style. Its a completely serious 70's futuristic sci-fi flick, although Arthur Frayn/Zardoz (Niall Buggy) is amusing as a jester-like fop.
Zardoz is a must for Connery fans as ...