The Poseidon Adventure

  • Adventure
  • Drama
  • Thriller




  • JPV852

    Seen this one several times over the years and still is fantastic, from the performances (Hackman and Borgnine especially) to some genuinely emotional scenes to the incredible set designs. Not sure if I place this over The Towering Inferno, but think it might be 1A and 1B amongst disaster films. 4.5/5

    August 10, 2020
  • Geronimo1967

    It's a toss up for me between this and "The Towering Inferno" (1974) as to which is my favourite disaster movie. This quite gripping drama sees an ageing ocean liner en-route to the scrap heap make one last, fateful, trip. As new year arrives, the ship is stuck by a gigantic tidal wave and capsizes. Carnage onboard ensues, with only a small band trapped in the ship's ballroom with the savvy to make for the part of the ship where the hull in thinnest - and the most likely spot for any external rescuers - before the ship goes the way of the "Titanic"! Gene Hackman is great as the almost maniacal preacher who leads this rather motley band through the innards of the rapidly decaying vessel with plenty of perilous scenarios for them to navigate....

    May 28, 2023


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