Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

  • Adventure
  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Fantasy

Prepare for a taste of adventure.

A young boy wins a tour through the most magnificent chocolate factory in the world, led by the world's most unusual candy maker.





  • Aakif

    I loved it and I would rate it 5/5 for the best childs fiction <a href="">book</a>. Why? Because it has lessons, we all need to learn. We have become so materialistic and driven with the energy of getting everything fast, we have lost the essence of our lives and the importance of kindness. Its a book you not only want to gift to your kids, but you want to read yourself as well.

    March 15, 2021
  • SoSmooth1982

    Not as good as the original but still good nonetheless. Johnny Depp is really the only reason this movie was good. I think any other actor that would have played that character would have made the movie suck.

    May 4, 2023
  • Geronimo1967

    Gene Wilder's interpretation of "Willy Wonka" was always going to be tough to top, and though he does try to inject some individuality to the role, Johnny Depp doesn't really compare so well. Freddie Highmore does deliver quite well though as the eponymous "Charlie" who finds the elusive golden ticket and travels with his mischievous "Grandpa Joe" (David Kelly) to the factory where all of the delicious sweets are made. It's maybe best from here on in to discard your views of the 1971 version and look at this is a completely different re-imagining of the Roald Dahl story. We've already been introduced to his rather odious co-winners who exemplify all that's ghastly about precocious children spoiled and over-indulged by parents who either don...

    July 20, 2024


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