Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

  • Fantasy
  • Adventure
  • Drama
  • Family
  • Thriller

Stay peculiar.

A teenager finds himself transported to an island where he must help protect a group of orphans with special powers from creatures intent on destroying them.





  • Ruuz

    Miss Peregrine's could have done with a little more peculiarity. I understand that the lead is our door into this fantastical world, but a character can be relatable without being downright boring. Not an outright bad movie, but certainly not the one to put Tim Burton back on track.

    Eva Green is golden but under-utilised, Sam Jackson can barely talk through his fake teeth, the creature designs are fantastic but pulled off with some very poor CGI. There is a little stop-motion to counter this, but again, it's not used to the degree it should have been. Which is really an apt description for the whole thing. Over an over, Miss Peregrine's hints at a great movie buried somewhere within it, but what we end up with is an ill-paced mess. T...

    October 1, 2016
  • Frank Ochieng

    Well one certainly cannot accuse filmmaker Tim Burton from straying away from his trademark bizarre movie-making playbook. Perhaps Burtons best asset when it comes to his brand of distinctive cinema is to faithfully maintain that solid sense of oddness in the manner for which he presents his randomly spry, off-kilter narratives? There was always this consistent understanding that Burton enthusiastically embraces the whimsical peculiarities of his colorful, cockeyed characterizations. Naturally, the eccentric Burton would be drawn to yet another off-balance project that is right up his weirdly imaginative alley. Hence, in Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children the notoriously quirky director is true to form as he presents another del...

    October 2, 2016
  • Rangan

    The innocent peculiar children versus the monstrous peculiar adults.

    I thought it should have been a Steven Spielberg film, but he would have compromised on the visually frightening negative characters. Particularly from the little children's angle who are the regular target audience for a theme like this. Even in his recent 'The BFG', you know how the giants were portrayed. So Tim Burton was the right choice and he did his best. But not everybody agrees on that, even I was slightly disappointed. I mean technically it sounded so awesome, but the story was not that impressive. Because of too familiarity, except the peculiar characters.

    It was based on the young adult book of the same name. The story of a boy named Jake. After his g...

    December 24, 2016
  • Dark Jedi

    Before I start I should perhaps mention that, although I consider this a family movie, it is perhaps a bit on the scary side for the youngest member of the family. Anyway, personally I liked the movie and so did my kids.

    It did have time travel in it which I, in general, utterly dislike but it is a Tim Burton movie so it was already a foregone conclusion that it would be a wee bit bizarre anyway and it had Eva Green, which is one of my favorites, in it so that kind of made up for the time travel crap.

    The movie starts of by Jacob watching his grandfather being murdered by some mysterious being that only he can see. Of course everyone believes that he was hallucinating and so off we go with hospitals and shrinks and so on. Finally his par...

    February 25, 2018
  • FilipeManuelNeto

    Despite the flaws, and some less than positive interpretations, it is a good film.

    Tim Burton has already accustomed us to a surreal and fantastic style, and he almost always gives us very good films. This movie is no exception, giving us good entertainment. It's based on a book, which I've never read and I don't know what it's like, although I've heard that it's frankly more interesting than this movie. However, Tim Burton has already shown that he doesn't care much about this, in previous works that we have seen.

    The script is surreal and fantastic, based on a teenager's trip to the British Isles, to see his grandfather's place of origin, recently deceased. There, he discovers the ruins of the orphanage where his grandfather gre...

    December 23, 2022
  • Geronimo1967

    This reminded me a bit of the "Golden Compass" (2007) as Asa Butterfield ("Jake") finds himself drawn to a sleepy island where he encounters the eponymous, magical, Eva Green who hosts a group of children of all ages with special quirks who live in a time loop - the same day from 1943 - which should ensure that they remain safe from the predatory "Barron" (a wonderfully over-the-top Samuel L. Jackson) and his menacing monsters who are bent on capturing "Miss Peregrine" and eliminating the youngsters. It's a bit too long, but once it gets up an head of steam then Butterfield is an engaging hero well supported by the odd appearances from Dame Judi Dench, Rupert Everett, his father Chris O'Dowd and his inspirational grandfather Terence Stamp. ...

    May 25, 2023
  • SoSmooth1982

    A bunch of teens and children with weird special abilities like superheroes all in one house. Miss Peregrine is pretty much there mom. I hope they make a sequel because I would like to see more of there abilities then they showed in this movie. It feels like it was like a tease showing us as little as possible at what they can do.

    July 19, 2023


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