Dark Phoenix

  • Science Fiction
  • Action
  • Adventure

A Phoenix will rise. The X-Men will fall.

The X-Men face their most formidable and powerful foe when one of their own, Jean Grey, starts to spiral out of control. During a rescue mission in outer space, Jean is nearly killed when she's hit by a mysterious cosmic force. Once she returns home, this force not only makes her infinitely more powerful, but far more unstable. The X-Men must now band together to save her soul and battle aliens that want to use Grey's new abilities to rule the galaxy.





  • maketheSWITCH

    Its just a shame that 'X-Men' was never able to live up to its potential in this form. Drawn of clichés, a tired script and a tired cast, its a big wet flop of a film where it looked like the cast were just there to collect their cheques. Its probably something to wait for a digital release and watch on a rainy Sunday afternoon where you can fall asleep during the exhausting middle section and wake up at the mildly less-exhausting end.

    If anyone needs me, Ill be looking for Cyclops, hot choccie, blanket and hug.

    • Brent Davidson

    Read Brent's full article... https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/article/review-x-men-dark-phoenix-untapped-potential

    June 5, 2019
  • msbreviews

    If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog :)

    Honestly, I'm going straight to the point, and I'm going to try not to waste anyone's time since that's precisely what Dark Phoenix did. Clearly, no one in the production team cared about this movie. Now, after watching the film, it's pretty easy to understand the reasons behind the constant delays, and the poor marketing campaign (I barely saw anything remotely publicizing this movie). It's not a complete disaster, it's not an absolute mess, but the third act is such a stab into the fans' hearts. Literally, one of the most abrupt endings of the last few years. It really feels like a producer entered the writers' room and said something along the lines of "let's just ...

    June 6, 2019
  • Movie Queen41

    I don't think this was the disaster that the critics make it out to be, but it is one of the lesser Fox X-Men movies. Both the opening scene where the X-Men rescue astronauts stranded in space and the ending where Magneto and the X-Men fight aliens on a train were well done action scenes. It's the middle that sags a bit. The film lacks energy and emotional impact. Simon Kinberg wrote and directed this second go around of the Phoenix Saga as a way to atone for writing the mediocre The Last Stand. But this film does not really improve on that film at all. I am eager to see Kevin Feige cover the full Phoenix Saga properly in a trilogy. You cannot cram the Phoenix story into one movie. We've barely gotten to know these young versions of these c...

    June 9, 2019
  • shailen

    It's a really good movie with superb graphics and storyline.

    June 27, 2019
  • Wuchak

    A fuller rendition of the Jean Grey Plot of X-Men 3 with Sophie Turner

    This is another take on the Jean Grey story of X-Men: The Last Stand (2006). That movie was good up until the last act with the conventional battle between the good and bad mutants at Alcatraz Island, which diverged from the more interesting core story concerning Jean. Dark Phoenix (2019) has a similar problem in that Jeans inner conflict between good and evil is the most interesting element, along with the other mutants being troubled by her transformation and trying to figure out how to handle it.

    Unfortunately, as with X-Men 3, the filmmakers insist on having everything come down to a big battle sequence thats overlong and predictable, although its bette...

    July 14, 2019
  • Ruuz

    I don't know if Dark Phoenix is the worst entry in the X-Men franchise. I feel like I remember being much more angry walking out of Last Stand than this one. Dark Phoenix didn't really make me "angry"... It didn't make me feel anything I guess. But there was just nothing I liked about this. Like, Apocalypse was a bad movie, absolutely, but I really enjoyed that bit in the middle where the young X-Men got to the shopping centre together. That elevated it for me, even if it didn't stop it being a bad movie. Dark Phoenix has no such moment. Nothing. I. Liked.

    Final rating:½: - Boring/disappointing. Avoid where possible.

    September 10, 2019
  • JPV852

    Not as bad as I feared and the plot in and of itself was fine, as were the performances (outside of accents going in and out depending on the scene), even Sophie Turner was okay, the visual effects were alright and the direction serviceable. However, the biggest problem was the dialogue which ranged from predictable (to the point I could predict lines from time to time) to absolutely atrocious.

    Not sure where this ranks amongst the "franchise", though initially I'd say it is above Apocalypse, a movie I didn't care much for but a far cry from First Class and Days of Future Past. 2.75/5

    September 15, 2019
  • Dark Jedi

    I had seen somewhat mixed opinions of this movie and none of them were really that great so I had some doubts about it. Anyway, the other day I sat down with the kids and watched it.

    Far from the greatest X-Men movie but its not that bad either. Its okayish.

    The story is fairly decent and, as usual, the special effects (which is really why I watch these movies) is quite good actually. The characters are doing a decent enough job of their roles although none of them are really up to the standard Patrick Stewart brought to the franchise.

    The biggest gripe I have with the movie is its incessant whining. Jean is quite cool when she gets pissed off and shows off her powers pretty much stopping anything that gets thrown at her. However t...

    November 9, 2019
  • Geronimo1967

    This had the potential to be the best of the franchise; bur sadly it isn't/wasn't/never will be. It's an amalgam of loose acting right from the start with neither James McAvoy's more mobile version of "Xavier" nor Michael Fassbender's anything but magnetic "Erik" managing to inject anything like enough to liven this dreary and repetitive story up. Then there's the mediocre writing and special effects that we have seen so many times before. It goes nowhere, but never quickly enough as the ending seems tantalisingly close, but takes way too long to arrive. It'll be fine on the telly on a dark winter's evening, but that's about it.

    March 27, 2022
  • MonsterMartha

    I've been a huge X-Men fan for many years. I especially loved the comic dark Phoenix saga. This movie was a travesty. It was a train wreck from the moment it started and never got any better only got worse. It had nothing to do with the storyline of dark Phoenix like in the comics. The lineup wasnt the same... No wolverine, no hellfire club... I can go on and on and pick this movie apart but I really don't have the time nor do I wish to. Simply put dark Phoenix sucks. The only saving grace to this film is James McAvoy who even in this movie was overshadowed by the stupidity of The angst. It's a shame they didn't do the true story of dark Phoenix because that would have been a good movie. I thought at the end of apocalypse when you see the P...

    July 26, 2022
  • GenerationofSwine

    Well... I thought The Last Stand was bad. You know, the movie where they took one of the most classic of classic legendary Claremont X-Men stories and merged it with a Joss Whedon X-Men story line that had nothing to do with Dark Phoenix and.... just lost the plot entirely.

    I mean that was pretty bad. This is worse.

    This is ultra woke Politically Correct kinda Ghostbusters 2016, they have a message about genderstudies that trumps the story and didn't you know that everyone of a certain race, gender, and sexuality is absolute evil even if they have a long history of being the good guy sort of plot.

    And, in the end, it even had less to do with the Dark Phoenix Saga than the Last Stand did. Source material... even X-Men story in name ...

    January 11, 2023
  • realedk

    I don't understand the point of this movie. It seems to be attempting a copy-paste of Endgame's success, while jumping to making Jean the Phoenix immediately, just like the X2 and X3 films, which were both criticized for this very thing! Why make Charles the villain? I think most viewers can agree, blocking Jean's mind was the right thing to do. Sophie Turner's acting in this film was also particularly poor. The performances by McAvoy, Lawrence, Fassbender, and Peters were what keeps this film from the 10% in my books. Trash.

    February 8, 2025


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