
  • Horror
  • Science Fiction
  • Thriller
  • Mystery

Evil has found its superhero

What if a child from another world crash-landed on Earth, but instead of becoming a hero to mankind, he proved to be something far more sinister?





  • MovieGuys

    Bad Superman

    What if superman was a bad guy? That's the premise Brightburn is built upon.

    To my mind its a more mature concept than the traditional good guy Superman. It makes sense on a certain level too. A superior being would inevitably assert its superiority over lesser beings. That's how evolution and predator/prey relationships tend to work.

    Whether you agree with my Darwinian assumptions or not, this is a decent horror sci fi film. There's a sense of the comfortable and familiar family dynamic being turned on its head. The innocent, much loved, adopted son, transformed into something so overwhelming powerful and ruthlessly destructive, that even his parents come to fear him.

    Its the abrupt contrast between these two rea...

    May 13, 2019
  • EgorSushko

    Greatful film with good special effects, interesting story and cool cast. Superman vision of horror became best anti-superhero movie I have ever seen.

    But the movie has one big problem. There is no Sergey A. at the lead role. I think, that Sergey could be good lead character of this film.

    May 25, 2019
  • Yinse

    Great concept, very gory, just did not live up to the hype.

    August 8, 2019
  • msbreviews

    If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog :)

    Brightburn is one of those few movies throughout the year that can grab everyones attention solely due to its premise. In a world where the superhero genre is oversaturated with almost a comic-book-based film each month, the Gunn family delivers an unique concept that I dont think it was ever explored this way. What if Superman was evil? is an idea that can be developed through so many different ways, depending on the director and screenwriters approach. David Yarovesky clearly drew inspiration from Zack Snyders version (Man of Steel), and thats where the movie is best: in exploring the vast and interesting possibilities that a screenplay like this can pursue.


    August 21, 2019
  • Ruuz

    Given that the premise of the movie is pretty much entirely "What if Superman was a dick?" (something that has already been explored pretty thoroughly by DC themselves) I did not expect so much of the focus of the film to be taken up by the family dynamix inherent in the difficulties of parenting.

    A pretty mismarketed movie I think. Presented in trailers initially to be a sort of a twist on the superhero genre, and as we got closer to the release of the film, to be a Scary Supes movie, who Brightburn should really be targetting is gorehounds, because it's their avenue in which it most excels.

    Neat sting at the credits though.

    Final rating: - I liked it. Would personally recommend you give it a go.

    September 3, 2019


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