The Amazing Spider-Man 2

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Science Fiction

His greatest battle begins.

For Peter Parker, life is busy. Between taking out the bad guys as Spider-Man and spending time with the person he loves, Gwen Stacy, high school graduation cannot come quickly enough. Peter has not forgotten about the promise he made to Gwen’s father to protect her by staying away, but that is a promise he cannot keep. Things will change for Peter when a new villain, Electro, emerges, an old friend, Harry Osborn, returns, and Peter uncovers new clues about his past.





  • Rangan

    The second movie in the new Spider-man movie series that directed by Marc Webb. I doubt his potential after seeing this movie. I feel someone should take his position before it become too late. In the history of the Spider-man movies, from all the 6 this one is the worst. Commercially it has done a great business that grabbed around $800 million all over the world, but failed to deliver another quality movie for the fans. The movie engaged with the too much character and subplots. The subplots were not placed in the right spots, kind of random appearance brings the chaos in understanding the story. I had a high hope on this movie and it did not supply well. Frankly, I kind of lost interest in Spider-man. Maybe because it was too soon to reb...

    August 31, 2014
  • Dark Jedi

    It seems that Spider Man is doomed to receive mediocre to abysmal implementations on the big screen. Well, at least in my opinion. The Amazing Spider Man 2 currently have a rating of 7.1 which quite surprises me. This was not the worst Spider Man movie. The 2nd instalment, Spider-Man 2, in the first series with Tobey Maquire still holds that title firmly.

    There are some nice special effect fireworks going on and there are some funny parts when Peter Parker puts on the mask and goes to action but apart from that I found the movie uninspired, with a mediocre plot and sometimes downright boring. The plot is perhaps suitable for a comics magazine with its standard set of unlikely events, backstabbing big-corporate employees and disgruntled s...

    September 8, 2014
  • tanty

    The story is predictable and with zero neurons on it but Garfield and Stone connection is good and the comedy moments sort of enjoyable.

    Probably you could remove the super-hero mess and you would had a much better romantic comedy.

    September 17, 2014
  • John Chard

    Spider-Man stuffed once again.

    Marc Webb returns to direct what Sony had hoped was the second instalment of a longer running reboot of the Spider-Man franchise. Writing this now, I'm armed with the knowledge that once again the web slinger will get another reboot in 2017, which after viewing this sequel comes as no surprise.

    It's not so much that it's a bad film, or a bad Spider-Man film at that, it's just that it feels all very familiar, whilst simultaneously hugging the same pitfalls as Sam Raimi's Spiderman 3. Webb tries to juggle a screenplay with 3 villains (well two and a half really), a tricky romance between Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) and Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone), and of course there's school, a best friend and affairs of t...

    September 24, 2015
  • JaneHall

    Had high hopes for this one because of the first film. Was not disappointed!

    November 7, 2019
  • Geronimo1967

    I think maybe some of the lustre from Andrew Garfield's first outing as "Spider-Man" had already worn off for this really rather mediocre sequel. This time he has to don his red and blue lycra and save the city - and "Gwen" (Emma Stone) - from the marauding "Green Goblin". There is quite a degree of on-screen chemistry between Garfield and Stone, and as an action-romance, this is at the more entertaining end of the scale. It's the plot and the tech elements that let it down. The visual effects upon which it relies so heavily are really nothing special. Nor, it has to be said, are the baddies. The "Green Goblin" just isn't menacing enough. That might be, perhaps, because Dane DeHaan is one of those actors (a bit like Michael Pitt) whom I nev...

    June 2, 2022


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