Captain America: The Winter Soldier

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Science Fiction

In heroes we trust.

After the cataclysmic events in New York with The Avengers, Steve Rogers, aka Captain America is living quietly in Washington, D.C. and trying to adjust to the modern world. But when a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague comes under attack, Steve becomes embroiled in a web of intrigue that threatens to put the world at risk. Joining forces with the Black Widow, Captain America struggles to expose the ever-widening conspiracy while fighting off professional assassins sent to silence him at every turn. When the full scope of the villainous plot is revealed, Captain America and the Black Widow enlist the help of a new ally, the Falcon. However, they soon find themselves up against an unexpected and formidable enemy—the Winter Soldier.





  • Raquel98

    This movie is very good I loved it so much.

    April 24, 2014
  • Dark Jedi

    This is indeed a great piece of superhero entertainment. If superheroes and action, plenty of action, is within your sphere of interest then this movie truly delivers. There is even a story to support the stunts and special effects fireworks that is not too shabby. As a matter of fact, for being a Marvel-based movie, the story is more than acceptable.

    As the blurb states, our hero is meeting a few adaptation issues after having been awaken into the modern world. Luckily the movie do not fall into the trap of making some silly comedy out of it but keeps these parts at a reasonable level where it stays funny without ruining the movie or disrupting the pace of the real story.

    The story? Simple and not very original with the usual slew of...

    August 20, 2014
  • tanty

    Put a little bit of brain in a superhero's movie script and you will have everybody talking wonders about it.

    This is not a bad movie but neither astonishing. Fun and entertaining and with great FX, as expected.

    October 27, 2014
  • TheGSides

    The Winter Soldier has all the action, quirky one-liners, and bold adventure that we have come to expect of a Marvel movie.

    Plus we get introduced to a new/old villain as well as some fun romantic tension between Steve Rogers (Captain America) and Natasha Romanoff (The Black Widow). (Scarlett Johansson is perfect in this role.)

    But this film also has some minor irritations all stemming from Marvel's tendency to make Captain America more complicated than it really needs to be.


    1. The love story/non-story. Is this necessary? Will the Captain remain faithful to a 80 year-old woman on her deathbed OR engage in a date with his next door neighbor? Plus the tension between him and Natasha Romanoff is intense. T...
    November 4, 2014
  • John Chard

    Till the end of the road.

    Stonking! Now this is more like it, after the disappointments that have been Iron Man 2 and Thor 2, Captain America gets a sequel of substance and sparks. It manages to blend everything required to make a great superhero film, lashings of derring-do heroics, action bonanza, adventure, some sexy sizzle and of course the key, a story with brains and mystery elements.

    True enough to say that the considerable contributions of Black Widow and Falcon (and Nick Fury of course) keeps this as a lively Avengers spin-off movie, which is no bad thing at all, but it's still the Captain who dominates things, marking himself out as a viable main man. In fact the whole film has the old school comic book feel, yes there's the...

    August 31, 2015
  • Ruuz

    A long format review from 2014

    Misleadingly, the titular Winter Soldier is essentially a minor subplot in what is more of an espionage-technoir-thriller meets spectacle-epic than your typical super hero film. The real meat of the movie, thankfully, has some more substance behind it. Though it wouldn't surprise me if we learn later that Sebastian Stan's villain was forced to take a back seat via last minute script changes à la Hawkeye in The Avengers.

    These things are of course a matter of opinion, and I'd like to watch Winter Soldier at least once more (particularly in 2D... God do I ever hate 3D) before committing to any particular ranking. But even without that, I feel confident in saying it's the best MCU Phase 2 film to da...

    December 10, 2017
  • tmdb44006625

    Captain America: The Winter Soldier opens up with an action sequence that's better than most action movie climaxes. It then sets up a really intriguing story before launching into one of the most suspenseful car chases since the Simpson/Bruckheimer 90s era. After that it's scene after scene of amazing action coupled with a complex story about heroes and villains being caught in a system that is too big to bring down, unless you're as good and level headed as Steve Rogers.

    This isn't just a great comic book movie. It's a great movie; period. Using a spy thriller style mixed with martial arts and gunplay, set to the perfect music score, I would rank The Winter Soldier as one of my favourite action films hands down.

    March 9, 2019
  • JPV852

    Third time seeing this and still a fantastic all-around film, not just a comic book movie either. Briskly paced and a great complex story, this is a Marvel movie that felt complete from beginning to end, and actually advanced the universe so well. Chris Evans continues to embody the role and nice to see Scarlett Johansson given more to do (up to the point of this film's release) than in Iron Man 2 or The Avengers. 4.75/5

    I probably rate this right alongside The Dark Knight amongst comic book movies and, saying this as a DC fan, perhaps edges out TDK (though could easily seeing roles reversed once I re-watch that one).

    June 22, 2020
  • r96sk


    'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' makes for an enjoyable flick. Chris Evans does great work as the lead character, while Scarlett Johansson gives her most fun to watch performance in the MCU up until this point; it would've been great if she had such a role pre-'The Avengers', so she wouldn't have felt so out of place to me in that.

    Anthony Mackie and Robert Redford are notable in their respective roles, as is Sebastian Stan - even if, to be honest, his character's connection with the lead didn't quite hit as hard as the film attempts - at least for me. I didn't really believe how his character came about and how Barnes acts throughout, Stan does well though. Samuel L. Jackson is also good.

    Everything else is exac...

    January 17, 2021
  • Geronimo1967

    Picking up from his rather frosty denouement of 2011, "Capt. America" (Chris Evans) finds himself seventy years older but still with battles to fight. This time, he teams up with "Nick Fury" (Samuel L. Jackson) and his SHIELD agent "Natasha" (Scarlet Johansson) to combat the ruthless warrior known only as the "Winter Soldier". It doesn't take us long to discover that there is quite conspiracy going on too - with an attempt on the life of "Fury" before off we go on a roller-coaster ride of action adventure scenarios. The effects are great and the score works well to help keep the break-neck pace working well and excitingly. Evans is still just a little too pretty-boy for me, but the developing roles of Anthony Mackie, Johansson and a few cam...

    March 28, 2022
  • mooney240

    The darker tone and spy plot are a perfect fit for Captain America taking the MCU into new territory that results in one of the franchises very best.

    The Winter Soldier broke new ground for Marvel. The Russo Brothers took Captain America and immersed him in a dangerous world filled with subterfuge, spies, and betrayal. This was the first MCU film that didnt feel as bright and light-hearted as its predecessors, and this new tone fit Caps story perfectly. The action was incredible. The plot twists kept piling up. Forcing Cap to question his moral compass and use his wits over his brawn to overcome his enemy were brilliant story decisions that developed the character and avoided the bad guy with the same powers as the hero trope. Black ...

    February 11, 2023
  • SoSmooth1982

    Not as good as the first. Still a good movie though. The only thing I don't like is, he's suppose to be Captain America. With all these super powers. So why does he need help all time.

    May 3, 2023


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