I, Robot

  • Action
  • Science Fiction

One man saw it coming

In 2035, where robots are commonplace and abide by the three laws of robotics, a technophobic cop investigates an apparent suicide. Suspecting that a robot may be responsible for the death, his investigation leads him to believe that humanity may be in danger.





  • John Chard

    I, Robot (2004), holding it's own in the genre pantheon?

    I, Robot has a fan base that I'm glad to say has kept this film from drifting down into the depths of bad blockbuster sci-fi ratingville. I remember upon the film's release how so many people were wary of if Will Smith could carry the film? The concerns from Isaac Asimov's fans about a sacrilegious take on his legacy etc etc. Truth is is that I, Robot is an amalgamation of sci-fi ideas, from the suggestion of Asimov to the novel of the same name from Eando Binder, it's a mix that ultimately gives us a cop versus sci-fi conspiracy picture, that is sure as hell entertaining if taken on popcorn terms.

    Having just watched this again for the first time in a year or so, I found that i...

    September 25, 2014
  • Arcanum101

    Will Smith does paranoid and grumpy, and he does it very well. But then he does pretty much every role he plays very well. A vision of the future we're all expecting to happen, and the only nice people are robots.

    May 10, 2023
  • Geronimo1967

    Will Smith is a cop who detests artificial intelligence with a vengeance; despite the fact that he has a substantial part of his body made up of enhanced prosthetics after a car accident. When an executive from the world's largest robot production company commits suicide, he has to investigate and soon discovers a plot to take subjugate humanity. "I Robot" is a clever exposé on how AI could take over the world; largely by capitalising on the indifference of people, our obsession with convenience and reliance on technology. Smith and Bridget Moynahan - and Alan Tudyk as "Sonny" a rogue robot designed to reveal the plot - turn in good fun performances as we try to stop the robot revolution. It's quite a well written, stylishly presented and pacily directed couple of hours.

    September 4, 2023


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