
  • History
  • Drama
  • Adventure
  • Action

The entertainment experience of a lifetime!

In 25 AD, Judah Ben-Hur, a Jew in ancient Judea, opposes the occupying Roman empire. Falsely accused by a Roman childhood friend-turned-overlord of trying to kill the Roman governor, he is put into slavery and his mother and sister are taken away as prisoners.





  • John Chard

    Majestic in scope and story telling.

    The truth is, is that Ben-Hur deserved every award that was showered upon it. It's a titanic film both in structure and scope. It doesn't need me to go over old ground about how much the film cost to make, the number of extras, the number of sets and etc, it's now folklore that this film could have bankrupted MGM such was the investment, but they needn't have worried since the film went on to make 40 million and still counting.

    Every cent spent was worth it because it's a magnificent film, the kind that you can get swept away with, the minute the overture starts you feel little tingles as the hairs on your arms stand up on end, you are aware that for over three hours director William Wyler and lead...

    December 24, 2018
  • sykobanana

    What can be said about this film that hasnt already been said?
    I could (justly) use every superlative known and it still does not cover just how amazing this film is. It is the essence of EPIC (and not just historical epic).
    It is easy to see why it was not matched in the number of Oscars given for 50 years (and those 'equals' did not include any acting oscars and had more categories to choose from).

    I first watched this as a kid and struggled to stay awake to see the end late at night. And despite it not having the spectacle of say the Ten Commandments, it became a favourite which I have watched over and over again.

    I adore everything in this film - from the gritty stoic-ness of Heston's acting and cockiness of Boyd's, th...

    April 24, 2021
  • Geronimo1967

    It will probably be remembered for it's chariot race long after all of the rest of it has faded away, but this is more than just that. It is a story about friendship, religion, power and opportunity - it is also about sheer bloody-mindedness and cruelty. It resonates all the more because these are all human traits that abound in all of us to some extent. The film looks truly amazing and Miklós Rósza is on top form with a score that encapsulates the Imperial grandeur of the Roman State in all of it's Tiberian pomp. The story, though, is a less impressive affair. Charlton Heston and Stephen Boyd demonstrate how love can turn to hate splendidly when on screen together, the rest of the time neither performance really delivers much beyond the sc...

    June 1, 2024


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