- The Shawshank Redemption1994
- Drama
- Crime
- Pulp Fiction1994
- Thriller
- Crime
- The Lion King2019
- Adventure
- Drama
- Family
- Animation
- The Lion King1994
- Family
- Animation
- Drama
- Thor2011
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Action
- Constantine2005
- Fantasy
- Action
- Horror
- The Shadow Strays2024
- Action
- Crime
- Thriller
- Ben-Hur1959
- History
- Drama
- Adventure
- Action
- Atonement2007
- Drama
- Romance
- Alien³1992
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Horror
- Paris, Texas1984
- Drama
- Hummingbird2013
- Action
- Thriller
- The Wrestler2008
- Drama
- Romance
- Bone Tomahawk2015
- Western
- Horror
- Drama
- A Christmas Carol1984
- Drama
- Fantasy
- TV Movie
- Family
- Burnt2015
- Drama
- The Unforgivable2021
- Drama
- Crime
- Heart and Souls1993
- Fantasy
- Comedy
- Romance
- The Apocalypse2004
- Drama
- TV Movie
- The Natural1984
- Drama