Roger Moores fun and colorful debut as 007
Agent 007 (Roger Moore) travels from Harlem to the Caribbean to Louisiana to stop a black heroin mogul (Yaphet Kotto) fortified with a multifarious organization and a lovely tarot card reader (Jane Seymour).
This was Moores dynamic debut as Bond. He did 7 films for the franchise in 13 years from 1973-1985. The tone of Live and Let Die is similar to Sean Connerys final canon Bond flick, Diamonds Are Forever (1971). Moores stint is my favorite run in the series with all seven films being kinetic, amusing, scenic and just all-around entertaining. Theres not one stinker in the bunch and they were all profitable at the box office.
Aside from the picturesque globetrotting, Live and Let Die fea...