- Fight Club1999
- Drama
- Spider-Man 32007
- Action
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- The Mask1994
- Romance
- Comedy
- Crime
- Fantasy
- The New Guy2002
- Comedy
- Spider-Man 22004
- Action
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Batman1989
- Fantasy
- Action
- Crime
- Batman & Robin1997
- Action
- Science Fiction
- Adventure
- Lost Highway1997
- Drama
- Thriller
- Mystery
- A History of Violence2005
- Drama
- Thriller
- Crime
- The Talented Mr. Ripley1999
- Thriller
- Crime
- Drama
- Live and Let Die1973
- Adventure
- Action
- Thriller
- Identity Thief2013
- Comedy
- Crime
- The One2001
- Action
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Belle de Jour1967
- Drama
- Romance
- The Secret of My Success1987
- Comedy
- Double Trouble1984
- Action
- Comedy
- Purple Noon1960
- Crime
- Drama
- Thriller
- The Hard Way1991
- Action
- Comedy
- Crime
- The Salton Sea2002
- Crime
- Drama
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Dead Reckoning1946
- Crime
- Mystery