Batman Forever

  • Action
  • Crime
  • Fantasy

Courage now, truth always, Batman forever!

Batman must battle a disfigured district attorney and a disgruntled former employee with help from an amorous psychologist and a young circus acrobat.





  • John Chard

    A different direction brings differing results.

    Batman takes on a new side kick as he fights to keep Gotham City out of the clutches of Two-Face and The Riddler.

    "No thanks, I'll get drive-thru"

    Thus these be the first words out of Val Kilmer's incarnation of Batman and thus setting the standard for what Joel Schumacher's two Batman movies would be like. Gone is the dark undertone from Tim Burton's visions, and the tight action sequences that marked Burton's debut out as a genuine genre piece of work, in their place comes sexy campery and ropey action set pieces. The casting of both Val Kilmer as Batman and Chris O'Donnell as Robin is a big mistake, Kilmer easily being the most boring actor to don the suit out of all of them, whils...

    August 28, 2014
  • Ruuz

    There are some great things in Batman Forever. Val Kilmer I think cops a bit too much flak for his go in the cape & cowl, he's certainly no sort of definitive Batman but I thought he did a fine job. The city has a crazy cool design, the Batmobile is updated in a wholly original way, and that neon street gang is some of the coolest shit I've ever seen put to screen. But this a bad movie. Burton might not have had a 100% source-material-faithful interpretation of the character, but it took Joel Schumacher (who usually I'm a big fan of) to ruin Batman altogether.

    Final rating: - Had some things that appeal to me, but a poor finished product.

    March 18, 2018
  • SoSmooth1982

    I absolutely hate Val Kilmer as Batman. Out of everybody that's played batman, he's the worse I've ever seen. Otherwise the movie wasn't that bad considering.

    April 25, 2023


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