
  • Fantasy
  • Comedy
  • Family

Seeing is believing.

Casper is a kind young ghost who peacefully haunts a mansion in Maine. When specialist James Harvey arrives to communicate with Casper and his fellow spirits, he brings along his teenage daughter, Kat. Casper quickly falls in love with Kat, but their budding relationship is complicated not only by his transparent state, but also by his troublemaking apparition uncles and their mischievous antics.





  • Wuchak

    Fun, silly ghost flick with Bill Pullman, Christina Ricci and Cathy Moriarty

    A ghost-whispering paranormal expert and his daughter (Bill Pullman and Christina Ricci) move into a dilapidated mansion on the coast of Maine thats haunted by a friendly ghost and three mischievous ones. Cathy Moriarty plays the venal heir of the mansion and Eric Idle her assistant.

    Casper (1995) delivers the goods if you're in the mood for a "spooktacular" Goosebumps-like horror film that's fun & silly and not scary at all. It's like Scooby-Doo but without the dog and the teens are tweens. Monster Night (2006) and Ghostbusters (1984) are other reference points, but I prefer Monster Night, which has a similar plot, but is all-around more entertaining (...

    October 12, 2018
  • r96sk

    I remembered so much of this, and yet absolutely nothing of the plot.

    Casper is a film I mustve watched so much as a young kid on video, the opening few scenes are very nostalgic. As noted though, I didnt recall anything serious from this 1995 flick though. Its a little deeper than I remember, with some adult themes touched on - the concluding scenes stand out in that regard.

    I did remember the cast, however. Malachi Pearson is perfect as the voice of the titular character, while Christina Ricci is good in the lead live-action role. Bill Pullman spearheads the rest of the onscreen talent well. One casting note: A young Devon Sawa has a part, I recently watched him in televisions <a href="

    January 24, 2022


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