- The Brutalist2024
- Drama
- Spider-Man: Far From Home2019
- Action
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade1989
- Adventure
- Action
- The Italian Job2003
- Action
- Crime
- Murder on the Orient Express2017
- Mystery
- Drama
- Crime
- A Haunting in Venice2023
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Crime
- From Russia with Love1963
- Action
- Thriller
- Adventure
- The Talented Mr. Ripley1999
- Thriller
- Crime
- Drama
- The Tourist2010
- Action
- Thriller
- Romance
- Moonraker1979
- Action
- Adventure
- Thriller
- Science Fiction
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen2003
- Fantasy
- Action
- Thriller
- Science Fiction
- La Femme Nikita1990
- Action
- Thriller
- Casanova2005
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Drama
- Romance
- Youth2015
- Comedy
- Drama
- Romance
- Just Married2003
- Romance
- Comedy
- Only You1994
- Romance
- Comedy
- Don't Look Now1973
- Thriller
- Drama
- Horror
- Dangerous Beauty1998
- Drama
- Romance
- The Merchant of Venice2004
- Drama
- Romance
- Hannibal2001
- Crime
- Drama
- Thriller