
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Science Fiction

Big meets bigger

Primatologist Davis Okoye shares an unshakable bond with George, the extraordinarily intelligent, silverback gorilla who has been in his care since birth. But a rogue genetic experiment gone awry mutates this gentle ape into a raging creature of enormous size. To make matters worse, it’s soon discovered there are other similarly altered animals. As these newly created alpha predators tear across North America, destroying everything in their path, Okoye teams with a discredited genetic engineer to secure an antidote, fighting his way through an ever-changing battlefield, not only to halt a global catastrophe but to save the fearsome creature that was once his friend.





  • SneekyNuts

    So initially I was against this movie as I feel Dwayne Johnson is in everything at the moment. but......... It was actually really good the kids loved it and the story line was quite good. Give it a look you won't be disappointed.

    July 5, 2018
  • Ruuz

    Takes some pretty massive but almost certainly necessary departures from the original source material. There's nothing about Rampage to dislike in any particular abundance, except maybe the over-reliance on cliché, but there's also nothing much that stands out positively. The Rock is charming as ever, and the creature designs are so-so, but really this was just the sort of movie you sit back and let happen, you can hope to walk away a little entertained, but certainly not enriched.

    Final rating:½ - Had a lot that appealed to me, didnt quite work as a whole.

    September 13, 2018
  • Dark Jedi

    This movie is following the usual recipe for these kind of movies. Big companies are bad, gene science is bad, big monsters are cool. The story is fairly ludicrous, science non-existent and almost everyone except the hero is a dumb-ass.

    Regardless of all that, I quite enjoyed this movie. I watched it with the expectation of seeing The Rock and huge monsters wreck things and that is exactly what I got. The story itself is weak and the science is, well ludicrous. How these monsters grows to immense sizes in almost no time at all defies science of course. But heck, who wants to spend time in a action movie watching animals grow? Also, what a strange coincidence that the ape, who happens to be on the good side, is the only one of them that d...

    October 7, 2018


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