San Andreas

  • Action
  • Drama
  • Thriller

We always knew this day would come.

In the aftermath of a massive earthquake in California, a rescue-chopper pilot makes a dangerous journey across the state in order to rescue his estranged daughter.





  • liamelanita

    Film San Andreas nice but to be honest I do not like the plot, why? because in the story of this movie seem monotonous and selfish. Many victims around but why Ray and Emma only focused to rescue his daughter (Blake) alone, but Ray is living as rescuers, the film tends to be lacking in the delivery of its humanitarian message.

    June 21, 2015
  • John Chard

    Lots of rocks everywhere...

    It's CGI destruction time as Dwayne Johnson battles earthquakes and a tsunami to go rescue his daughter - with estranged wife in tow of course.

    Disaster films are easy to kick because very rarely they are nothing more than candy carnage with a trite screenplay and cheese laden dialogue. Such is the case with San Andreas. In essence this is a remake of Roland Emmerich's 2012, only this is the shorter version with the time span that 2012 should have had. This does exactly what the marketing department promised it would, namely lots of crash bang and wallop, but just like Emmerich's behemoth it gets boring entering the final third, the writing just not good enough to hold interest once the noise and destructio...

    November 15, 2015
  • Ruuz

    I have never been a fan of the Disaster genre, I don't seem to be able to take much more away from it than visual noise. I was hoping that the combined might of Alexandra Daddario and The Rock would be enough to turn me around on San Andreas, alas, it was not to be.

    Final rating: - Had some things that appeal to me, but a poor finished product.

    June 28, 2017
  • Dark Jedi

    This is a classical Hollywood movie, thin plot and a lot of effects. However, this time, I quite liked it. Actually I liked it a lot. The plot, although thin, is not altogether bad, it holds together even though are quite a few unbelievable moments. However, put in the context of a traditional disaster movie, it is not bad.. Maybe this is what I like about the movie. It is really a good old fashioned disaster movie.

    When I first read the blurb about this movie I was afraid that it was going to be a big apocalypse at the beginning and then it was going to be a slow search for Rays daughter. It is nothing of the kind. It has a decent build up of suspense up to quite a few more or less spectacular earth quake scenes and then it continues. ...

    May 10, 2018
  • JPV852

    Solid enough, if not overly long, disaster movie. Dwayne Johnson is... well Dwayne Johnson but has more than enough charisma to carry this and never a bad thing having BOTH Carla Gugino and Alexandra Daddario either. Some of the effects were pretty good, others a bit iffy however. Still, I enjoy these disaster movies and while it doesn't measure up to The Poseidon Adventure or The Towering Inferno, but entertaining nonetheless. 3.5/5

    August 24, 2020


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