
  • Action
  • Thriller
  • Adventure




  • JediBurrell

    You might expect a former FBI agent to be able to handle a gun, or protect himself at gunpoint. But you sure as hell dont expect a doctor to, and yet, Sarah Sawyer can not only steal a gun pointed at her, she can stop a burning buildings fire without even being in the building!

    Will Sawyers posed with a challenge when the tablet that he was for some reason given with full control of the security system and just about everything else about the building, gets stolen, the building set on fire, and his family stuck above the fire with little means to get out.

    Will, who is now a suspect, takes it upon himself to enter the burning building, get his family, and leave the burning building. This isnt as easy as that sounds, because theres a Ma...

    July 16, 2018
  • Dark Jedi

    Well, if you are a fan of The Rock this is a decent enough high octane action, disaster and special effects movie. If not, well then you probably have to be a pretty big fan of special effects and action to overlook its weak points.

    Lets start with the good stuff. One, it is The Rock (yes I am a fan) although he certainly doesnt come out at his best in this movie. Personally I could do without the artificial leg crap but it didnt bother me too much in the end. It didnt really add anything except some silly (and unrealistic scenes) though.

    Then we have the action and the special effects. They were as good as you would expect from a multi million dollar action movie. At least I enjoyed them. I really liked the design of the Skyscraper. ...

    December 16, 2018
  • Ruuz

    Die Hard in a (X) is a pretty classic movie formula, it doesn't get as much play now as it did in the 80s and 90s, but we can still reliably expect at least one every couple of years, even now. But when it's Die Hard in a Skyscraper... I mean... That's just Die Hard. Even Die Hard 2 had the sensibility to be Die Hard in an Airport.

    Except that, no, this isn't just Die Hard, because (and I don't think anyone would be shocked to find this) it's not as good. I mean I love The Rock and all, but come on.

    Final rating: - Had some things that appeal to me, but a poor finished product.

    January 20, 2019
  • John Chard

    It's an ultimate frame of mind movie.

    It is what it is, it's Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as the hero of the tale who has to achieve the impossible when the world's tallest building catches fire. His family is trapped in said building inferno and there's bad guys running around creating trouble.

    So sit down and get ready for fantastically high energy action scenes and hold your breath peril sequences. You have to be in the right frame of mind for this type of entertainment, to understand it's a blockbusting popcorn piece made to take you out of the real world, it does not have cranial splendours or social commentary.

    It's great to have Neve Campbell back kicking butt, rising above just being a female token waiting to be saved by her h...

    April 28, 2019


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