
  • Science Fiction
  • Adventure
  • Action

What if everything you were forced to keep inside was suddenly set free?

Bruce Banner, a genetics researcher with a tragic past, suffers massive radiation exposure in his laboratory that causes him to transform into a raging green monster when he gets angry.





  • Cwf97

    Ang Lee helped revolutionize superhero related films forever with Hulk (2003). Rather than just have the hero try to save the world, Lee and James Schamus decided to have Bruce Banner deal with his Freudian psychology, specifically the repressed memories he had thirty years ago about his father.

    The acting talents of Eric Bana, Jennifer Connelly, Nick Nolte, Sam Elliott and Josh Lucas are perfect for the five main characters. Bana was able to do intentional wooden acting to hide his character's repressed emotions while Connelly conveyed kindness as her Oscar winning role from A Beautiful Mind (2001).

    What I loved about Lee's interpretation is that he did not care about faithfulness. He cared about showing a cerebral kind of superhero ...

    August 23, 2017
  • lori007101

    The Green Giant is awakening! As a little baby, the Offspring Bruce Banner Genmanipulativ is changed. Later, as a young man, he is a scientist himself and is employed with gamma radiation. He wants to try to reach scar tissue and injuries, using the radiations, a healing method. Through an accident with the radiation, banners mutate when he has a tantrum, to a Green Giant: the Hulk! Eric Bana plays the shy and vulnerable Bruce banner. Although he does not really trust the role, he mastered the insecurity in person, sovereign. Jennifer Connelly plays Betty Ross. Connelly embodies Betty cool and sober. It is only when she experiences how banners mutate that she shares a helping emotion. Josh Lucas plays Glen Talbot. Talbot is fully fixat...

    August 20, 2018
  • tmdb44006625

    I mean, what was everyone expecting? They hired a director who does mostly Asian art-house movies to helm a comic book movie about a green monster who smashes things when he gets angry. Of course Ang Lee was going to delve into Freudian concepts, overtones of Greek tragedy, and strange editing choices.

    My issues with Hulk are more focused on its painfully slow pace and messy third act. Yes, the whole movie seems a bit pretentious, but you have to at least admire the intent and ambition to make this movie, even if the execution is wonky.

    March 9, 2019

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