A Quiet Place

  • Horror
  • Drama
  • Science Fiction




  • Devin Squire

    This review contains spoilers. So lets First get this out of The way Ive never been more frustrated, by people eating popcorn, fidgeting, & Coming in late.

    Anyways form the very start I had so many questions, howd they get here? Whered the Monster come from? Etc. And by the end I have no answers and even more questions. Are they gonna survive and kill all the Monsters? Is everyone else dead? Whyd they think to have a baby? But that doesnt matter.

    Were just tossed into this situation with no explanation to almost anything. The only things we really know is of course making lond sounds means youre likely gonna die. And High Pitch Sounds Hurts the Monster.

    Wish is a smart Choice and come to think of it is kinda obvious, maybe a...

    April 26, 2018
  • fLeno

    No important spoilers here

    In a dystopic future, the humanity has been severely smitten by strange blind creatures that feast on living flesh, both human and animal. In spite of being blind, the creatures have a super hearing and can identify sounds from far away. The creatures are nearly indestructible and very effective killers, and once they hear you, you are most likely dead.

    The movie follows a surviving family trying to keep alive in this harsh reality. The movie setup is incredibly well-built to transpire the precaution, the constant fear, and the direful consequences of an unthought action in this terrible future. The sound effects are awesome, and the director can successfully use the nearly-constant silence in ...

    May 9, 2018
  • Ruuz

    Every time a horror movie does something that I've never seen before, that gets me very excited. A Quiet Place is such a movie. I do believe that maybe A Quiet Place doesn't quite deserve the praise that it has received. Not that it isn't a good movie, just that said acclaims have been so high, to the point that I think maybe just the fact that it's original isn't enough to earn those laurels.

    I still am a fan of the movie, hardline, absolutely, just maybe a little underwhelmed given the reviews.

    Final rating: - I liked it. Would personally recommend you give it a go.

    October 4, 2018
  • LadyGreenEyes

    This is far and away one of the best movies I have ever watched, and I've watched a lot of movies! The story is original, no small feat these days, and the acting is just outstanding! John Krasinski and Emily Blunt, along with the children, bring these characters to life, and make us really care, all without the benefit of well written dialogue. That's not easy to do, but they do it. Right from the start, you find yourself drawn into the lives of these people, and can feel the tension, the undercurrent of threat, that they live with every day. Through all they face, we are also given a picture of a solid family, with a dad and mom doing everything possible to care for their children, the family praying together, holding onto faith eve...

    December 16, 2018
  • Trazbor O'Gukguk

    This film is terrible. How this pathetic excuse for entertainment has any rating is a mystery. It's an insult to art of film making and to the people who love cinema. Nobody in their right mind would suggest watching this hole ridden, ham acted, utter nonsense themed non-story movie to anybody. Save yourself the hassle, trust me, it's bad.

    May 2, 2020
  • Wuchak

    Decent horror flick, but the family members make too many exasperating blunders

    A family tries to survive on their farm in rural New York while blind indestructible creatures prowl the landscape. The creatures find prey based on sound so they have to be careful to be quiet at all times. Emily Blunt plays the pregnant mother and John Krasinski her husband (Krasinski also directs).

    A Quiet Place (2018) is a well-made horror flick that brings to mind Signs (2002) with ferocious creatures that mix the xenomorphs of Alien/Aliens with the extraterrestrials of War of the Worlds (2005). Theyre basically a knock-off of the monster in Cloverfield (2008), albeit the smaller size of the creatures in those previous flicks.

    While this mo...

    May 18, 2020
  • msbreviews

    If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog @ https://www.msbreviews.com

    Ever since Jordan Peele shocked everyone with his feature directorial debut, Get Out, no one else questioned the potential that a well-known comedic actor could bring to the horror genre. Therefore, I vividly remember discovering that John Krasinski was directing, writing, and starring in a low-budget, original horror flick and feeling incredibly interested, to the point of considering it one of my most anticipated movies of the respective year. I absolutely adore the actor's memorable performance in The Office, but I never really saw anything worth noting from him after that show. Adding Emily Blunt (Sicario, Edge of Tomorrow) - her "slight...

    May 25, 2021
  • 5rJoud

    Works for a normal audience, not for critical thinkers

    Almost an 8/10 on a different, shabbier, online movie database with almost 14 hundred reviews at the point of this review written. The hype is distorting the ratings of this movie, like the script is distorting the physical laws of sound. A creature film should not be hard to make, and the producers here had the budget, the special effects and the actors to do something interesting. Unfortunately suspending disbelief is impossible when nothing makes sense and so many questions are left unanswered. How can a pitiful monster like that overthrow mankind? Where is the power coming from? Not a single sound trap in the whole film? Did she turn off the faucet eventually? The creatures c...

    July 2, 2021
  • mooney240

    Overall : A Quiet Place creates an unnerving, tense, and terrifying world that skillfully drags its audience into its silent fear-filled universe.

    The most extraordinary theater experience of my life! The tension in the room silenced the crowd to a level requiring everyone to forgo chewing their snacks until a jump scare or rare moment of sound. John Krasinski's mastery of suspense and tension was unparalleled. Every second dripped with palpable fear and anxiety. Krasinski's creativity shined in every moment from the concept, writing, creature design, character development, and more. With decades of creature features, John Krasinski offered not only something new and innovative but something that raised the standards of the genre to a new level.

    August 19, 2022
  • r96sk

    spoilers // Many (too many) a dumb moment, but 'A Quiet Place' is a really good watch nevertheless.

    I will start with the positives that I have, as in fairness there are a number. The first, most obvious, being the sound design - excellent! Super effective. Emily Blunt and John Krasinski are very good, the pacing is on point (the 90mins fly by) and the monsters are well done.

    However, I did find myself questioning a lot of it - and I'm not usually one to notice, or at least criticise, characters being stupid etc. Here, though, it's too obvious - I think the top notch sound, or the lack thereof, actually heightens the flaws, which is unfortunate. From the very start I was like "Really?!", as well as at a few other moments - e.g. ...

    February 28, 2023


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