A Quiet Place Part II

  • Science Fiction
  • Thriller
  • Horror




  • garethmb

    Last year we had a screening for A Quiet Place Part II scheduled and eagerly awaited the follow-up to the suspenseful and popular original film. Sadly we all know what happened soon after as a two-week lockdown grew and cinemas around the world were closed.

    As cinemas re-open with growing but limited capacity; the film is set for release and will be a great indicator as to if the public is ready to return to cinemas in significant numbers or will they sit it out and opt to see the film down the line on Paramount+.

    The film opens with a look at the day things changed for the world as Lee (John Krasinski); does some shopping while news reports come in of an explosion in Shanghai. Enjoying the weather; he joins his family at a Little Lea...

    May 25, 2021
  • msbreviews

    If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog @ https://www.msbreviews.com

    If you're reading this, then you probably visited my review of 2018's A Quiet Place. Hence, you know how much I absolutely love that movie. A low-budget, high-concept horror flick that surprised everyone, including myself, ultimately becoming one of the very best films of the respective year, as well as one of the best original horror stories in the last couple of decades. Now, I acknowledge that John Krasinski created something that could very well turn out to be the "next big thing" when it comes to horror franchises. However, that doesn't mean I support that endeavor. Artistically, I would much rather prefer for this to be a one-off, but ...

    June 2, 2021
  • nasiralipro

    Not gonna say more but a worthy sequel and gives same or some might say more goosebumps than prequel but amazing work by jhon krasinski and new cinematography director etc .overall good cinematography, visuals etc was interesting. I enjoyed it and would love a sequel. Personal rating 8 .thank you.

    July 4, 2021
  • Kirsty_Marshall

    Its not bad but really when you take a look at it from the no hype perspective its basically a few action scenes and not much else. Its short changing the audience in arc replacing it with an average plot. Its not terrible and everyone is great in it. Its just the actual story is very vacuous and that disappoints.

    July 6, 2021
  • JPV852

    Good, not great, follow up. Some good suspense-filled scenes and solid emotive performances since there's not a whole lot of dialogue. The first one was better as a whole but this is a worthwhile sequel, simplistic which is a plus, no unnecessary drama on the human side. Don't know if I'll revisit it anytime soon but as a one-off viewing, it works well enough. 3.5/5

    August 1, 2021
  • ChrisSawin

    A Quiet Place Part II ditches the tension and the stealth the first film was known for and introduces more monsters, more action, more characters, and more of a world thats barely hanging on by a thread.

    Lees oldest kids become the key players here, with Emily Blunts Evelyn Abbott taking a backseat, while Murphy proves why hes one of the most underrated actors working today.

    Overall, A Quiet Place Part II is an exceptionally entertaining sequel with quality performances and a primary focus on monster mayhem which, as horror and suspense fans, we should all get behind.

    Full review: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/06/06/a-quiet-place-part-ii-review-long-time-no-hear/

    October 6, 2021
  • mooney240

    A Quiet Place Part II is a marvelous sequel that rises to the heights of its predecessor and possibly beyond!

    It is nearly impossible to choose which is better: the original or the sequel. A Quiet Place: Part II expands the world of A Quiet Place outside of the Abbott farm adding new survivors and new locations. The characters become richer and more endearing as they develop throughout. There is even more to learn about the fearsome creatures as well. Part II boasts incredibly tense scenes that rival the first film that will have you on the edge of your seat and your heart pounding. There are some frustrating scenes where characters make idiotic decisions that build tension but also a slight annoyance, but alas, so are all horror fil...

    September 3, 2022
  • r96sk

    More standard fare. 'A Quiet Place Part II' is, for all intents and purposes, '<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stranger_Things" rel="nofollow">Stranger Things</a>' meets '<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Walking_Dead_(TV_series)" rel="nofollow">The Walking Dead</a>' (I am here for the Eleven and Rick crossover, tbf).

    I may hold issues with the first film, though at least you can definitely class it as original given the use of sound. That 2018 film is very much enviroment-based, whereas this 2020 flick is far more human-based - and not in the best way. I still didn't dislike it, but I can't honestly say I found entertainment in it either - despite it having Emily Blunt and Cillian Murphy, two actors I tend to enjoy <b>a ...

    February 28, 2023
  • tmdb51616167

    The "A Quiet Place" franchise has truly delivered a remarkable and unexpected story that has captured my attention in ways I never imagined. While I have previously reviewed the original movie, I am now diving into this extraordinary series.

    The first film introduced a concept rarely seen in cinema, with its focus on minimal dialogue. Despite the absence of traditional conversations, the movie keeps viewers engaged and on the edge of their seats. The actors and actresses involved in the film are exceptionally well-suited to the unique demands of the story.

    One aspect that stands out is the portrayal of the creatures without relying on overdone CGI effects. This choice creates a sense of suspense and keeps audiences guessing about the ...

    September 2, 2024


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