Army of the Dead

  • Action
  • Crime
  • Horror
  • Adventure
  • Drama
  • Science Fiction
  • Thriller
  • War

Survivors take all.

Following a zombie outbreak in Las Vegas, a group of mercenaries take the ultimate gamble: venturing into the quarantine zone to pull off the greatest heist ever attempted.





  • ChrisSawin

    Army of the Dead injects some much needed vitality into both zombie films as a whole and Zack Snyders career as a filmmaker. Dave Bautista is also the best hes ever been as far as his acting ability goes. Gory as hell and entertaining through and through, Army of the Dead is a must-watch for action and horror film fans alike. We really needed more scenes with Vanderohe (Omari Hardwick) using that giant circular saw to tear through zombie flesh though.

    Full review here:

    May 19, 2021
  • msbreviews

    If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog @

    Zack Snyder is far from being a consensual director. Some viewers really love his work - Zack Snyder's Justice League was only possible due to passionate, hardcore fans - while others fail to understand the reasons behind the constant hype surrounding the filmmaker's projects. Personally, despite not belonging to his enormous fandom, I quite enjoy his work outside of the DCEU. From Dawn of the Dead to Watchmen, passing through 300, I hold these films in high regard. However, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is unquestionably one of the biggest cinematic disappointments of my life, and it's arguably the movie that triggered the beginning of...

    May 22, 2021
  • Kamurai

    Great watch, would watch again, and can recommend.

    Probably the worst part of this is a trend I'm noticing from some movies I've been seeing recently where they show you what could be a better movie, in the movie.

    While this starts with a "patient zero" style opening, they then skip past the movie I want to see to the last possible story from the opening event.

    This movie does do a lot though, and has a lot of moving parts at any given time.

    Batista is amazing, and everyone sort of gets lost around him, I can't tell if that's because he's a giant or if the movie wants it that way: the cast all does a fantastic job in their roles.

    The movie does a couple things that I don't typically enjoy in movies: smart zombies, obvious tra...

    June 19, 2021
  • The_Bad_Critic

    Army of the DEAD typical zombie action movie, but its not the best that's out there. Movie starts off abit boring and then goes into hyper drive midway then slows down at the end. it was abit unbalanced but that's just my opinion.

    July 8, 2021
  • sporkproductions

    Zach Snyder is a director I have an incredible amount of respect for. He has a truly original vision, he makes films unlike anyone else, and he seems to relish being a bit of an outsider who somehow gets to make whatever he wants. Sort of like this generation's version of 90's/00's Robert Rodriguez.

    Yet, try as I might I just can't seem to actually enjoy his films. I won't bother going into it because personally I'd prefer not enjoying a wacky Zach Snyder film then being mildly entertained by most mainstream fluff that seem crafted by algorithms.

    If you like Snyder's films this one will most likely be a real joy. If you don't this one won't win you over. Either way, I hope he gets to keep making his manic fever dreams because we need more films with authentic voices.

    August 13, 2021
  • tmdb28039023

    The only good thing about Zack Snyder's masturbatory exercise Army of the Dead, is that it's comparatively shorter than his version of Justice League but what movie isn't? An hour and a half short of a four-hour movie is still too long, especially considering that if everything we've seen before were edited out of the film, AotD would be a short feature.

    True, we may not have seen a heist/zombie apocalypse movie, but we've seen dozens of heists and dozens of zombie apocalypses, and bringing the two genres together only serves to highlight the inconsistencies of each. But, let us start at the beginning. A US military convoy is transporting an unknown cargo from Area 51. The two soldiers in the cab of the truck debate the contents of the ...

    August 28, 2022
  • mooney240

    What happens when you give Zack Snyder complete creative control? A crazy awesome zombie sci-fi action heist joyride!

    Sheer insanity at its ridiculous best! Zack Snyder goes all out with Army of the Dead by throwing as many plot ideas and spin-offs as he can to build his dream movie playground to play in for years at Netflix. Zombies plagues, zombie robots, time travel, multiverse, and who knows what else all flash across the scene and somehow dont distract from the exciting central story. Dave Bautista leads a crew of expendable mercenaries to break into a vault in the middle of a zombie-filled quarantine zone once known as Las Vegas. The stand-out character in all this is Matthias Schweighöfers Dieter. His comedy and goofiness brea...

    September 17, 2022


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