A Wrinkle in Time

  • Adventure
  • Science Fiction
  • Family
  • Fantasy




  • Ruuz

    Oh man, if I'd at any point ever had any faith at all in A Wrinkle in Time? I would have been sorely disappointed. Which is a shame on both counts, because it would be great if a film targeted at young people with both complex ideas and multiple women of colour in lead roles could have been like... Good.

    Final rating:½: - Boring/disappointing. Avoid where possible.

    February 26, 2019
  • r96sk

    Sweet enough. Just a shame it doesn't finish as great it starts.

    'A Wrinkle in Time', I think, starts off very nicely. It gives a satisfactory background to the main character, while it builds the intrigue well. Unfortunately, it does drop off as it goes on - but not to the point that it hindered my enjoyment, it is a noticeable step down though. I really like the special effects, I think they look terrific throughout.

    Onto the cast. Storm Reid does a respectable job as Meg, her performance arguably gets better as things progress - which is the opposite to the film overall. Chris Pine is underused in his role, but the casting of Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon and Mindy Kaling is good - Zach Galifianakis too. I didn't actually find D...

    November 18, 2020
  • GenerationofSwine

    Wow, this was out of all of a second wasn't it?

    So, I am going to more or less focus first on the fact that this has NOTHING to do with the book. Why even carry the same title if you are going to diverge so much from the source that it is unrecognizable for the fans of the source?

    But that IS the new trend isn't it? That is the new Hollywood formula.

    1. Take an established book or franchise 2) Remake it to not at all resemble the source material 3) Have it flop 4) Blame the fans of the source material for the bad reviews 5) Tell the fans of the source material that it wasn't made for them, but rather for the people that were never fans of it and don't want to see it. 6) Wonder why it failed.

    But that is not really the ONLY reaso...

    January 12, 2023
  • SoSmooth1982

    Definitely a movie for kids. There's a lot of cool cgi stuff in this movie, but it's just a lot of nonsense and unnecessary things that go on in the movie which makes it pretty dumb.

    April 29, 2023


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