Weak Conan the Barbarian knockoff
In a distant fantastical past, the rightful heir of a conquered kingdom (Lee Horsley) returns to his homeland as the formidable leader of a mercenary band. He assists Prince Mikah (Simon MacCorkindale) and his cute sister (Kathleen Beller) to overthrow the evil king (Richard Lynch) and his former evil sorcerer (Richard Moll).
The Sword and the Sorcerer debuted two weeks before Conan the Barbarian in the spring of 1982 and its just a second-rate S&S adventure by comparison. Its heroic fantasy with the tone of Star Wars, but without the blockbuster budget and in-depth characters. In light of the somewhat kiddie vibe I was surprised by the female top-nudity. Conan was heroic fantasy as well, but it lacke...