The Fifth Element

  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • Action
  • Thriller
  • Science Fiction




  • GeekMasher

    This movie is one of the best movies of all time! It has a great story lines and graphics of it's time and even to today's standards it is brilliant. The world is well though out and well demonstrated. Zorg is a great bad guy, played by Gary Oldman and Bruce Willis plays his role very well. All in all a excellent movie.

    March 15, 2013
  • FarSky

    A simple enough concept: Guy must save a World (in the Future!) from Evil! by protecting a Magical Macguffin, only in this case its a Girl! instead of a Thing.

    Theres really not a lot of story here. Not a lot of character either. Why waste valuable screen time with such paltry concerns when you can instead have Chris Tucker prancing around as a flamboyant radio host in the most annoying cinematic sci-fi supporting character not created by George Lucas? Instead, the film casts actors who do a fair job of acting simply by being themselves: Bruce Wills is Korben Dallas, a brawny, shoot-first hero who, when the chips are down, is brawny and shoot-firsty. The Magical Girlfriend MacGuffin, Leeloo, is played by Mila Jovovich (in her breakout pe...

    July 21, 2013
  • Ruuz

    Ever since I first watched The Fifth Element in the late 90s, I've been inspired by Gary Oldman's Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg.

    Final rating:½ - I strongly recommend you make the time.

    May 13, 2017
  • John Chard

    Negative, I am a meat Popsicle.

    It's 2259 and the Earth is in mortal danger from pure evil. The only hope Earth has is something called the fifth element, which comes in the form of the newly cloned Leeloo. Along with an ex forces cab driver and a priest called Cornellius, Leeloo must piece it together before the end of mankind arrives.

    Depending on which side of the fence you sit on, The Fifth Element is either a child fantasy made by an adult, or an adult fantasy made by a child! Here in lies the problem that many critics and movie watchers can't agree on. Just what does Luc Besson's film want to be? Having conceived the concept for his film at a very early age, Besson I think waited until he was comfortable with his adult eyes, a...

    January 20, 2019
  • Prodank

    "The Fifth Element" is like a journey down memory lane for me, brimming with nostalgia. I've lost count of how many times I've caught it on TV. The cast was on point, the makeup and costumes were seriously cool, and those futuristic locations were quite intriguing.

    In the grand scheme of things, "The Fifth Element" is a certified classic. It possesses that timeless quality that's hard to find. I'd easily give it a solid 9 out of 10. But if you're a fan of this movie, you should definitely check out the animated film "Heavy Metal" (1981), which served as inspiration for many animation and science fiction films, including this one.

    September 17, 2023
  • Geronimo1967

    I wonder how many taxi drivers get a fare they wish they's just driven past! Well I think poor "Dallas" (Bruce Willis) might have wished he had done that with the almost mannequin-esque "Leeloo" (Milla Jovovich) as he finds himself embroiled in a plot to conquer the planet. She speaks in syllables that wouldn't have been out of place in an edition of "The Clangers" but still manages to convey the sense of peril to mankind well enough for him to try to track down the priest "Cornelius" (Ian Holm) who might be able to locate some sacred stones that belong to the benign "Fifth Element" in time to save us from "Mangalores" and his evil henchman "Mr. Zorg" (Gary Oldman). of course, we soon learn that "Dallas" is no ordinary, pie-eating, cabbie. ...

    June 4, 2024


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