Charley and the Angel

  • Family
  • Fantasy
  • Comedy


Charley is a workaholic family man that finds out from an angel that his "number's up" and he will be dying soon so he tries to change his ways and be a better husband and father with the time he has left.



  • r96sk

    It's a solid film, but they could've done so much more with the premise.

    I liked the vast majority of the early knockings of 'Charley and the Angel', as it sets up a potentially extremely interesting plot that will be filled to the brim with heart and impact. Unfortunately, in reality it barely scratches the surface of the latter things. They do make the story meaningful, but it's very much underdone. The reasoning for Charley being in the situation isn't fully portrayed either, just told as how it is.

    Fred MacMurray adds to that initial feeling of mine, his acting is very good at the beginning; especially with his face and body language. He's still the standout throughout but, like the film itself, he falls flatter as he goes on.


    August 19, 2020


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