Sooner rather than later every franchise ends up, by design or accident, a parody of itself; The Crow: Wicked Prayer never stood a chance of avoiding this fate, but then what movie starring Eddie Furlong, David Boreanaz, Tara Reid, and Danny Trejo would? On the other hand, we have Dennis Hopper as a pimp named El Nino who says things like "You stole daddy's car keys, but you can't handle the horsepower," so it's not a total loss.
We know that the Crow, like the Dude, must face a gang of nihilists; in this case a multi-ethnic gang whose members each identify with one of the Four Horsemen: Luc 'Death' Crash, War (Marcus Chong), Famine (Tito Ortiz), and Pestilence (Yuji Okumoto).
None of them really do anything thematically tied to thei...