The darkest and most sinister D&D flick yet
On a world where sorcery is real, a greenhorn knight (Jack Derges) teams-up with a dubious group to find his father who was kidnapped by mysterious evil powers. The group includes a witch (Eleanor Gecks), a sorcerer Vermin lord (Barry Aird), an assassin (Lex Daniels) and a goliath warrior (Habib Nasib Nader).
"Dungeons & Dragons: The Book of Vile Darkness" (2012), also known as Dungeons & Dragons 3, is the third of currently three D&D flicks, unconnected to the other two: Dungeons & Dragons (2000) and Dungeons and Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God (2005). Evil wizard Damodar (Bruce Payne) was the only link between the first two movies, other than the fact that they both took place in I...