Kull the Conqueror

  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • Action

Courage conquers all.

A barbarian named Kull becomes ruler after defeating the old king in battle. In an effort to regain the throne, the former king's heirs resurrect Akivasha, a witch queen. However, Akivasha has plans of her own for the throne, and only Kull stands in the way.





  • Wuchak

    By this Axe I Rule!

    An Atlantean barbarian (Kevin Sorbo) takes the throne of Valusia when he defeats King Borna (Sven-Ole Thorsen) and so General Taligaro (Thomas Ian Griffith) & assorted noble-blooded men conspire to overthrow Kull by resurrecting the wicked Acheron sorceress Akivasha (Tia Carrere). Karina Lombard plays Kulls love interest, Zareta, while Litefoot is on hand as the priest Ascalante.

    Released in 1997, thirteen years after the last Conan movie, Kull the Conqueror was intended to be the third Conan film, but Schwarzenegger declined so they morphed it into a Kull movie. For those not in the know, Kull was author Robert E. Howards other barbarian hero, who wasnt as popular as Conan. Kull, incidentally, existed thousa...

    August 26, 2018
  • Geronimo1967

    When the ageing but warlike king of Valusia decides to do away with many of those who could be heirs to his kingdom, it takes all the strength of the brave Kull (Kevin Sorbo) to stop him. In return, the now ailing Borna decides to name him his successor! This goes down like a lead balloon with the now circumvented Prince Ducalon (Dougie Henshall) and the general Talibaro (Thomas Ian Griffith) who promptly plot to be rid of the man they see as a usurper. To that end, they decide on the distinctly dangerous practise of resurrecting the long dead and profoundly evil Queen Akivasha (Tia Carrere) who just happens to make Medusa look like Julie Andrews. Of course, once she has air back in her lungs, she imposes her own agenda and soon it falls to...

    March 13, 2025


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