Not one that'll live long in the memory.
'Lafayette Escadrille' is mildly watchable but I can't really recall anything that occurred across the 90 minutes or so. The potential-filled story isn't all that interestingly portrayed and the acting is, while nothing bad, just very plain, pardon the pun, as no-one stands out.
This is one of Clint Eastwood's early credited roles, though he may as well have been uncredited to be honest - very much seen more than he is heard, though <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lafayette_Escadrille_(film)#:~:text=In%20casting%2C%20Wellman%20wanted%20Paul%20Newman%20and%20Clint%20Eastwood%20as%20the%20leads%3B%20studio%20head%20Jack%20L.%20Warner%20refused%2C%20and%20substituted%20teen%20idol%20Tab%20H...