Sergeant York

  • War
  • Drama

Missiles! Jets! Tanks! ... It's still the guy with guts and a gun who wins the war!

Alvin York a hillbilly sharpshooter transforms himself from ruffian to religious pacifist. He is then called to serve his country and despite deep religious and moral objections to fighting becomes one of the most celebrated American heroes of WWI.





  • John Chard

    Just like a turkey shoot!

    Alvin York of Tennessee was a simple backwoods farm boy who liked a drink and a scrap, then one day, fuelled by drink and anger in his heart, an event gave him religion and a new found respect for life. However, the advent of World War 1, and his subsequent call to duty, tore his pacifist state of mind apart, torn between a patriotic sense of duty and his religious beliefs, Alvin York of Tennessee was to become the name on everyone's lips in 1918.

    Sergeant York is pretty much close to being the perfect template for biography movies. It stands out (as it stands up proud) because the makers have the willingness to tell the tale from the humble beginnings of the central protagonist. They then ease it through t...

    April 14, 2019
  • barrymost

    To summarize (which is quite a task, since this is a very detailed, comprehensive, and well-done biopic), Gary Cooper plays one of the greatest and most beloved heroes of the First World War: backwoods sharpshooter, Alvin C. York. Hailing from the Valley of the Three Forks of the Wolf, somewhere in the Tennessee hills, he spent his youth drinking, carousing, and causing mischief and mayhem in general. All that changes one stormy night when a lightning bolt strikes his rifle, instead of him, and he turns from his rowdy ways and becomes a fine, upstanding Christian. When America becomes involved in WWI, he requests to be exempted from the draft as a conscientious objector. But his appeal is rejected and into the army he goes. As he serves his...

    April 18, 2021


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