- The Martian2015
- Drama
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Star Trek Beyond2016
- Action
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Tremors1990
- Horror
- Action
- Science Fiction
- Comedy
- Fall2022
- Thriller
- In the Heart of the Sea2015
- Thriller
- Drama
- Adventure
- Action
- History
- Lightyear2022
- Animation
- Science Fiction
- Family
- Adventure
- Six Days Seven Nights1998
- Comedy
- Action
- Adventure
- Romance
- Identity2003
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Triangle of Sadness2022
- Comedy
- Drama
- Ticket to Paradise2022
- Drama
- Comedy
- Romance
- Edge of Winter2016
- Drama
- Thriller
- Mine2016
- War
- Thriller
- Frozen2010
- Thriller
- Breakdown1997
- Crime
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Action
- Drama
- Lord of the Flies1990
- Adventure
- Drama
- Thriller
- Arctic2018
- Drama
- Adventure
- Love Wrecked2005
- Romance
- Comedy
- The Sand2015
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Comedy
- Chernobyl Diaries2012
- Horror
- Thriller
- S. Darko2009
- Thriller
- Crime
- Science Fiction
- Mystery