Star Trek Beyond

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Science Fiction
  • Thriller

The final frontier...and beyond.

The USS Enterprise crew explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space, where they encounter a mysterious new enemy who puts them and everything the Federation stands for to the test.





  • Frank Ochieng

    Some diehard Star Trek fans may not necessarily feel that the Justin Lin-directed third installment of this science fiction/space saga film franchise boldly goes where no man has gone before creatively. Surprisingly, Lin (director of two Fast & Furious flicks) shows some engaging and intriguing heft in Star Trek Beyond as the adventurous exploits of the USS Enterprise crew are likely to stir the collective pot where the nostalgic sentiments of the Star Trek brand from yesteryear bridges the gap to the current cinematic explosiveness of modern-day Captain Kirk and company. Although it is extremely difficult to immediately dismiss filmmaker J.J. Abramss resourceful fingerprints concerning the imaginative Star Trek (2009) and the t...

    July 23, 2016
  • Linda Robinson

    I saw this movie two hours ago and I can't remember how it started. Ah. Diplomatic mission to offer a truce artifact to one of the warring sides from the other. It does not go well. Just a tad shy of 3 years into the 5 year mission and Kirk is bored enough to take a desk job. Screenplay set-up signifying it's all about to get much less stultifying. I don't know enough about camera angle choices to know if that's what makes the film feel disjointed, or the script, or editing chops, but something certainly felt unconnected. I started noticing details I had no business noticing. Everybody's hair is bigger. I watched Galaxy Quest recently, and when Krall showed up I choked on popcorn. In fact, prosthetics needed an above the title billing. Runn...

    July 24, 2016
  • hweird1

    Star Trek Beyond is what a summer blockbuster is all about. Read my full review here!

    August 11, 2016
  • Rangan

    When theirs rescue mission failed...

    It's not like I'm a big fan of 'Star Wars', so I disliked it. I have seen many space adventure films, but I never felt this series so interesting. I enjoyed some of the 'Star Trek' films though. I know this sequel is not good the previous ones, but for me this look okay than those. Because it was so simple, particularly story wise, and the rest of the film was action and adventure.

    No offense, but this series is like the collection of the rejections from other franchises. I mean, look at the cast, most of them are comedians and some of them are the category two actors and the rest are, I don't know what they are, bur decent actors. But these films pulled off successfully at the box office. Not ...

    November 23, 2016
  • Dark Jedi

    Last Saturday me and the kids sat down to watch Star Trek Beyond which we received in the mail the day before. In general we liked the movie quite a lot. Plenty of action, good special effects and a not too bad story. However, one thing irked me to now end. They blew up the enterpriseagain. Stop destroying the bloody Enterprise in every movie for Christ sake! Been there, seen that done that. It is getting both old and frustrating.

    Apart from that it was a good entry in the new timeline movie series. I am not sure what all those people giving it one star ratings and calling it the worst movie ever expected to get? Anyone who has watched the two other movies should be expecting a fairly action loaded blockbuster with lots of CGI in it and ...

    December 18, 2016
  • lukan87

    I always loved these type of movies.This one is very adventurous and full of suspans. Nice one.I've watched it more than 3 times and every time i have the same feeling. Extraordinary!!!!

    November 1, 2017
  • GenerationofSwine

    Well, I finally saw it and I can honestly say that I was far less offended by it than I was by the hack job reboot of Kahn. And I only cared slightly less about the film than I did the original JJ reboot.

    It was a popcorn sci-fi action flick, and I liked Urban and Pine but thought that Quinto should have brought more of himself to the film rather than attempting to channel Nimoy. It was a fair enough impression, but it didn't fit with the rest of the reboot that seemed to care nothing about Star Trek.

    Ultimately when Quinto channels Nimoy like that it just gives the viewer the jarring sensation that one member of the cast cared about what came before and forces the viewer to remember that this actually is a Star Trek film.

    And that...

    January 12, 2023
  • misubisu

    Spock in a relationship with Uhura... Gimme a break!!!

    April 11, 2023


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