Star Trek: Generations

  • Science Fiction
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Thriller

Two captains. One destiny.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Enterprise-D find themselves at odds with the renegade scientist Soran who is destroying entire star systems. Only one man can help Picard stop Soran's scheme...and he's been dead for seventy-eight years.





  • Wuchak

    Ambitious and High-Concept Sci-Fi (for Grown-Ups only)

    I can see WHY some don't like "Generations" (1994) or don't 'get' it: This seventh Star Trek film has some (false) plot holes and some things aren't spelled-out or explained very well (So what? Doesn't mystery intrinsically come with the territory of space adventure?); plus the story is a bit convoluted, particularly for those not familiar with Star Trek up to this point, both generations.

    Regardless, "Generations" is ambitious, high-concept sci-fi of the highest order; it leaves the viewer with many interesting questions to ponder long afterwards. Although the Nexus has been criticized as a mere gimmick to get Kirk and Picard together, I find the concept utterly fascinating...

    July 24, 2020
  • GenerationofSwine

    I'll be honest, I really hated Star Trek The Motion Picture. I mean, I REALLY hated it and I am a Star Trek fan...

    ... so it's sort of fitting that I hate Generations as well.

    I mean, it doesn't do the first generation or the Next Generation justice at all does it? Kirk shouldn't have been in it. The OG Enterprise crew shouldn't have been in it.

    It felt like it robbed TNG of their first outing on the big screen while insulting the original crew of the Enterprise.

    January 10, 2023
  • JPV852

    I've seen this one a few times over the years and while not great and the plot was something akin to a two-part episode of TNG, I still was mildly entertained even if Malcolm McDowell's role was underdeveloped with us being told of his motivations with the death of his family versus being shown it via flashbacks. But the selling point was seeing the two iconic Captains together, even if only for 25-minutes. 3.0/5

    April 3, 2023
  • Geronimo1967

    A pretty lame attempt to synthesise the old and the new as Capt. Kirk (William Shatner) and Mr. Scott (James Doohan) are invited to the maiden voyage of the latest USS Enterprise. Needless to say, it all goes wrong as they encounter an enormous energy ribbon that strikes the ship and mayhem ensues. Jump forward several years and Capt. Picard (Patrick Stewart) is now in charge of the ship and the TNG crew have to deal with Roddy McDowell, the mad scientist determined to recreate that sequence of events so he can reunite with his lost wife. Picard is reunited with Kirk in a sort of parallel timeline as they combine to try to defeat their foe. Sadly, we have now entered into the realms of "Star Trek" with "holodecks", "prime directives" and Gi...

    August 26, 2023


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