Triangle of Sadness

  • Comedy
  • Drama


A celebrity model couple are invited on a luxury cruise for the uber-rich, helmed by an unhinged, alcoholic captain. What first appears Instagrammable ends catastrophically, leaving the survivors stranded on a desert island in a struggle of hierarchy.





  • Geronimo1967

    I did quite enjoy this, but it's far too long and I found that the funniest bits had all already been seen in the trails! Initially, it centres around the fairly tempestuous relationship between models "Carl" (Harris Dickinson) and "Yaya" (Charlbi Dean). The latter is an influencer who looks at their relationship as something more transient; he is much more besotted - and so vows to make her fall in enduring love with him. Off onto a luxury yacht they head for an holiday with a few millionaires run by the super-officious "Paula" (Vicki Berlin) and captained by the dipsomaniac Woody Harrelson. The two befriend the lively and charismatic Russian oligarch "Dimitry" (Zlatlo Buric) and his wife "Vera" (Sunnyi Melles) before a captain's dinner th...

    November 3, 2022
  • jw

    sketched, never completed

    Looks like the director/writer had some notes, and didn't get around to write a complete script. So the movie starts out very promising, but then gradually runs out of ideas, until the last half is just ticking off the boxes of expected items.

    The quirky, funny look into modelling is followed by a well cast and (in some moments) acted part about relationship issues between inexperienced, clueless, and selfish people. We learn that the naïve male model is actually in love, while his female model/influencer counterpart tells him he's nice entertainment until she finds a rich guy to be trophy wife for. This doesn't deter him... and that was the promising bit.

    Next, they are on a luxury yacht for the decade...

    November 28, 2022
  • badelf

    Not much character development or story really, BUT ... the Captain's dinner is classic.

    January 8, 2023
  • tensharpe

    A social media and extremely influential power couple, Carl ( Harris Dickinson ) and Yaya ( Charlbi Dean Kriek ) are invited on board a private luxury super boat in a bid to promote the experience to their followers. The boat has a number of mega rich but morally bankrupt passengers and a large team of staff to pamper to their every whim. Triangle of Sadness develops characterisation as the audience get to know the guests, their status and their wealth. The Captain ( Woody Harrelson ) is fighting his own demons including alcohol to which he unfortunately succumbs during the Captains Meal. It is this particular evening, a rough night on the sea,  that events take a sinister turn with most passengers violently ill due to the effects of sea si...

    February 8, 2023
  • screenzealots

    By: Louisa Moore /

    Writer / director Ruben Östlunds wickedly sharp black comedy Triangle of Sadness offers a biting satire of everything from gender roles, capitalist society, corruption of power, modern masculinity, and the social hierarchies that result from a system that encourages class division. The film has a lot to say and does it well, wading through layers of stinging dialogue, sophisticated observations, and lots and lots of vomit.

    The film is a lot more than its now-infamous fifteen minute puking scene, however. Its an in-your-face story that doesnt shy away from confronting everything from the rampant abuse of the less privileged to the primitive savagery of human nature.

    Instagram influencer...

    April 23, 2023


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