Gone to Earth

  • Drama
  • Romance

Lost... lost in a love she was helpless to resist!

Jennifer Jones plays Hazel Woods, a beautiful young English Gypsey girl who loves animals and in particular her pet fox. She is hotly desired by Jack Reddin a fox hunting squire who vies for her affection and pursues her even after her marriage to the local pastor.



  • Geronimo1967

    The opening slide names both Sir Alexander Korda and David O. Selznick which though impressive, rather sums up this somewhat confused romantic adventure. Jennifer Jones is "Hazel", a young girl at one with nature - particularly "Foxy", her independently minded fox cub. Eventually, she settles down with the local vicar "Marston" (Cyril Cusack), but is too beautiful and wild not to continue to turn heads and is also sought after by the local squire "Jack" (David Farrar) too. Rejected, he stokes ill-feeling against the girl amongst their puritanical, superstitious, villagers, and a tragiedy ensues. Powell and Pressberger live up to their reputation with this beautifully shot effort - the colours and costumes, and the exterior countryside scene...

    December 27, 2022


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