The eugenics-obsessed future in 40s/50s noir
Several decades in the future liberal eugenics is normal and discrimination is practiced to distinguish "valids" from "in-valids," the latter conceived by natural means and therefore more susceptible to genetic defects. Vincent (Ethan Hawke) is an in-valid who assumes the identity of a disabled valid (Jude Law) in order to fulfill his dream of space travel. Uma Thurman and Gore Vidal are also on hand.
"Gattaca" (1997) is a sci-fi drama tech noir, which combines futuristic science-fiction with 40s/50s noir. Its not just the suits & hats, the cars look like 50s/60s coupes, but whine because theyre electric. Its similar in this respect to Dark City (1998), but more dramatic. Imagine if...