
  • Comedy
  • Drama
  • Romance


When the news of his village's school Kabaddi team travelling to Mumbai breaks out, a 10-year-old boy with a speech defect sees the opportunity to meet the girl he adores. But how will he chant 'Kabaddi, Kabaddi' without stammering?



      • nairtejas

        Habaddi (Kabaddi with an H) is a fine kids' film but one whose plot points I can't agree with. For starters, the title is not really relevant here because the lead kid (with a stutter) never utters the word 'kabaddi' (an Indian sport) nor does he attempt to. So, I don't know if the kid actually utters it as 'habaddi'. Secondly, I cannot sympathise with the kid because he resorts to stealing to make random contraptions and the film tends to celebrate it, which I can never agree with. He does it so that he could go to Mumbai to meet his sweetheart, and ends up joining a kabaddi team. A lot happens before this story arc, but by the time the climax stands up to welcome me, I had lost interest. Nevertheless, there are a few quirky elements in Ha...

        November 25, 2020
