Something Beneath

  • TV Movie
  • Horror
  • Science Fiction
  • Action

Evil Lurks In The Most Unlikely Of Places

When a mysterious black slime oozes up from the plumbing to infiltrate a new conference center, it causes attendees at an environmental convention who come in contact with it to have horrific hallucinations and nightmarish visions of past tragedies. Environmentalist priest Father Douglas Middleton must team up with conference coordinator Khali Spence to stop the slime -- or die trying.





  • Wuchak

    Decent creature feature with Kevin Sorbo, similar to Phantoms

    An Episcopalian priest (Kevin Sorbo) leads an ecological conference at a new mountain resort, but some kind of mysterious black oil infects the people, causing hallucinations and death. Whats the source of this substance and will any of them survive? Natalie Brown plays the event coordinator, Brendan Beiser a nutty scientist and Peter MacNeill the head of security.

    "Something Beneath" (2007) is a creature feature that combines elements of Star Treks The Naked Time (1966), Phantoms (1998) and the black oil episodes of The X-Files that started with "Piper Maru" (1996), which played a pivotal role in the series, including the first X-Files movie Fight the Future (1998). ...

    August 24, 2020


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